Mystics & Statistics

A blog on quantitative historical analysis hosted by The Dupuy Institute

The Russo-Ukrainian War of 2022 – Day 107 (ground actions)

The fight for Severodonetsk continues. Russia controls the majority of the city. Don’t know if that means 60% or 90%, but I gather it is closer to the later. I assume they also control the eastern suburb of Metolkine. Over the last two days, that is really the only story. Not much else has changed. Zelenskyy did state a couple of days ago that Russians have a numerical advantage.

There are really no other significant operations in the last two days out of Izyum or towards Slovyansk or out of Poposna. The rest of the front seems quiet. Even the Ukrainian General Staff report of 10 June 06:53 note this with phrases like “Slovansk front, Russia did not undertake any active combat operations…” and “Lyman front, Russian occupation forces did not engage in active hostilities…:”

This fight for Severodonetsk is significant politically, as this is one of the four cities that Russia needs to take to claim all of Donetsk and Lugansk and Lysychansk is right next door to it. Furthermore, they were in a position to surround both Severodonetsk and Lysychansk and had effectively enveloped them from three sides. The Ukrainians are fighting around Severodonetsk and Lysychansk with their head in a noose. But those surrounding efforts had not made any progress for days. The next few days will be telling. It is claimed that the Russian army has been ordered to take or encircle Severodonetsk by 10 June. 

Fighting is still going on in around seven locales along the front. It appears that the Kharkov front has stabilized on their current lines and are mostly limited to shelling each other.  In Lugansk/Donetsk area Russia threatens operations towards Barvenkove, from Lyman towards Slovyansk, and around Poposna in addition to fighting in Severodonetsk. A week ago Russia took Komyshuvakha, to the north of Popasna. No villages in these areas have changed hands since last week except for Svyatohirsk (north bank of the Severskii Donetsk River). It appears all these areas are all active fronts though. Around Kherson, Ukraine is conducting two offensives, one towards Kherson and one to the NE of Kherson looking to drive behind it. They don’t seem to be gaining much ground. No villages changed hands since last week except possibly Blahodatne to the NW of Kherson. 

I will put any changes/updates since my last post in italics. A link to a blow up of the map is here: Wikipedia map. I have reduced the number of postings of these updates to three times a week (M, W and F). I was updating them daily, seven days a week.

The map below from 20 May is borrowed from Dr. Michael Mackay @mhmck. The area threatened with encirclement contain the cities of Sievierdonetsk and Lysychansk and surrounding areas which had a population in excess of 350,000. One can see the expansion around Popasna.

The Russians have made some progress on their larger objective of taking all of the Lugansk/Donetsk provinces. Not sure how much more they can do. The objectives are clearly Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. Sloviansk and Kramatorsk appear to be secure. The four main cities in this area are Severodonetsk (pop. 101,135), Lysychansk (pop. 95,031), Sloviansk (pop. 106,972) and Kramatorsk (pop. 150,084). It appears that the war has been reduced to 1) a fight over Severodonetsk and Lysychansk and 2) maybe a fight over Kherson. We shall see if any other major operations develop.

We have been looking at six major areas of operations. Only two appear to be active right now. Russia now occupies four cities, Mariupol (pop. 431,859), Berdyansk (pop. 107,928), Melitopol (pop. 150,768) and Kherson (pop. 283,649). 

1. Kiev – secure

2. Odessa – secure

3. Kharkov – secure

4. The Donetsk and Lugansk provinces
5. Mariupol – operations completed
6. Crimean border/Kherson

It appears that Kiev, Chernigov, Sumy and the northeast part of Ukraine are secure. Of course, Russia can always reintroduce troops later from Russia or Belarus. They are supposed to have around 20 BTGs in Russia. A Ukranian border guard was killed on 16 May near Sumy. The U.S. DOD is reporting that the Russian forces in Ukraine are now 106 BTGs.

Here is what I have heard/seen from open sources:

1. Kiev (pop: 2,962,180): It appears that Kiev is secure. It did get hit with missile attacks on Sunday.

2. Odessa (pop: 1,015,826): Appears to be secure.

3. Kharkov (pop: 1,433,886): Kharkov looks to be securely held but is still being hit by both missiles and artillery. The areas held here have not changed much since 17 May (see maps below). Last week, the village of Vesele was taken by the Ukrainians and since then it appears that the Kharkov front has stabilized on their current lines and are mostly limited to shelling each other. The Ukrainian general staff is reporting that a motor rifle brigade in this area, made up of enlistees from Donetsk or Lugansk has refused to continue operations. Have no idea of the validity of this report. 

Map showing front lines near Kharkov on 27 April and 17 May (cribbed from @War_Mapper), with the 17 May map showing the taking of Dementiivka.

The Russians do appear to have been pushing to the southwest towards Barvinkove (pop. 8,110), vice the south or southeast. So it is either a broader encirclement of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, or the rumored drive on Dnipro (which I really don’t believe they are going to try). Still, no villages have been reported taken in this area for the last few weeks. A video from Sky News from Barvinkove (3:58): Ukraine War: Ukrainian soldiers stand firm in Barvinkove. Trench warfare (2:14)?

Russia did take the village of Lyman (pop. 20,469) on 27 May (although they claimed they took it on 25 May). On 23 May, the mayor there said the town was down to 7,000-8,000 residents. The Russians also took Yarova (pop. 2,079 in 2011) on 1 June, to the NW of Lyman. The latest Russian efforts took the town of Svyatohirsk (pop. 4,309), which is 19 miles (30 kilometers) due north of Slovyansk and on the north bank of the Severskii Donetsk River. Russia is claiming to have “liberated” Svyatohirsk on 7 June. The Russian have now taken most of the areas north of the Severskii Donets River. Another map cribbed from @War_Mapper dated 9 May.

The Ukrainians still have the river between them and Slovyansk. On the other hand, the river has been flooded for a while due to the rain. It is dropping. Don’t know how much easier that makes it for the Russians to cross. No activity is being reported in this area in the last couple of days.

4. The Donetsk and Lugansk provincesThe Russians currently hold probably most of Severodonetsk and appear to be on the advance. Next is Lysychansk, which is literally just across the Severskii Donets river from Severodonetsk. I assume Russia also controls the eastern suburb of Metolkine. These two cities are surrounded on three sides. According to Ukraine only 15,000 civilians remained in Severodonetsk and only 20,000 reman in Lysychansk. Lysychansk is on higher ground with a river in front of it and a large open, partly wooded area beyond it and puts Severodonetsk under fire. This could be the point where the Russian advance in this area stalls out because of terrain. 

To the south, the village of Zolote in still held by Ukraine, even though some reports claimed Russia took it on 23 May. The Ukrainian government is still reporting on 7 June that houses were destroyed in Zolote from shelling, which indicates that Ukraine holds it. The Ukrainians retook Toshkivka on 29 May but lost at least part of it the following day. Ukraine is still reporting on houses lost of Toshkivka also, so I assume they still hold part of it. Both of these locales are just south of Severodonetsk and this is helping secure the city from envelopment from the south.

The danger of surrounding Severodonetsk and Lysychansk is coming from the Russian operations around Popasna (pop. 19,672), which has been in Russian hands since 7 May. They are threatening Bakhmut (pop. 72,310) and Soledar (pop.10,692). The Russian forces have advanced to within 10 miles (16 kilometers) of Bakhmut. The Russians have taken Komyshuvakha (pop. 2,058) to the north of Popasna. 

The map below is from 4 June by @War_Mapper.

Further south Avdiyivka (31,940) is still in Ukranian hands but is being shelled. Ukraine claimed on 27 April that Avdiyivka was hit twice by phosphorus munitions. They are reported pushing towards Kamyanka and Novoselivka, to its north.

Slovyansk (pop. 106,972) and Kramatorsk (pop. 150,084) appear safe for now. Still, it is claimed there are only about 22 – 24,000 people left in Slovyansk. Kramatorsk had its rail station hit on 9 April with over 50 civilians killed.

To the southwest of this fight, the Ukrainians have retaken Maryinka (pop. 9,256) on 19 April, which had been taken by the DPR on 17 March. 

The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) is reporting as of 26 May that they had 1,986 soldiers killed and 8,199 wounded (4.13-to-1 wounded-to-killed ratio) out of a supposed strength of 20,000. This is 51% casualties out of an estimated force of 20,000, which is pretty serious. They have been surprisingly diligent about regularly reporting their casualty figures. One wonders if some Russian losses or contractors are being included in these figures. Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) is reported as of 5 April to have had 500-600 killed out of an estimated force of 14,000. This is 21% casualties, assuming a 4-to-1 killed ratio. Don’t know how many of DPR and LPR forces are Russians from Russia as opposed to locals.

Zelensky in an interview on CNN on 17 April said they had 44,000 professional military men in the Donbas.

5. Mariupol (pop: 431,859): The siege lasted seventy-seven days. As of 17 May, Mariupol is under control of Russia although they declared on 20 May that they had “completely liberated” the steel works. It apparently took a couple of days for everyone to surrender, including the final 531 Ukranian troops. The Alamo held out for 13 days. The Germans surrounded in Stalingrad held out for 72 days. The Russian defense minister said 1,908 at that same time, and they have now upped their claimed prisoners to 2,439 (note that 1908 + 531 = 2,439). This is more prisoners that some of the previous Russian claims of defender strength. So far, none have been exchanged. Denys Prokopenkop, the senior commander in the Azovstal steel mill, is being held in Russian controlled territory and was able to have brief conversation with his wife. 

The population of the city is down to 100,000 or less. I assume the civilians are not planning to return. The mayor, who is no longer in the city, claimed that more than 10,000 people have been killed. The head of DPR (Donets People’s Republic) has said over 5,000 people have been killed. The city has been decimated, lots of buildings and houses destroyed. Mariupol has no power, gas or water. 

There is a mass grave being reported outside of Mariupol near the town of Manhush. It looks like around 200 graves have been dug. Another mass grave is also being reported on 23 April. So far, they appear to be graves for hundreds of people, vice thousands. A third mass grave has been reported. There has been no new reports on this for a while.

6. Crimea & Kherson (pop: 283,649): Kherson is under Russian control. Are the Ukrainians going to make a push to take back Kherson? The Ukrainians are conducting offensive operations around Kherson, but no major territory has exchanged hands. They are 10 miles (15 kilometers) outside of Kherson. It appears the Ukrainians have taken Blahodatne to the NW of Kherson.  The more interesting operation is the one to the NE of Kherson, where Ukraine has driven down a road that goes behind the city. towards the Dnipro River. This advance towards Kostromka threatens to cut off the Russian forces to the NE of there. This could result is a significant gain of ground by Ukraine. It also could start the process of isolating Kherson. We shall see if this advance continues. It does not seem to have gained much ground in the last week and Russia still holds Kostromka. 

A car bombing occurred last week in Melitopol. Either the work of a developing Ukrainian insurgency or special operations. 


Weather: Kharkov at 3 PM: It is a balmy 86 degrees (30 Celsius) and sunny. Low tonight 61 degrees (16 Celsius). Rain is forecasted for this Sunday (70%) and the next two days. That will probably help the Ukrainian defenders behind the Severskii Donets. 

Ukrainian Army Build-up: 

The big news is what is occurring off the battlefield, where U.S. and other international aid is now providing more than $90 billion in aid to Ukraine. Over the long run this will change the military balance between Ukraine and Russia, unless Russia fully mobilizes for war. They seem hesitant to do this. The U.S. has just added another 0.7 billion in military aid to this total. Germany is slowly getting around to providing more weapons.

Not sure how large the army now is (assume over 200,000). There is a Ukrainian Territorial Defense Force of 100,000 to 200,000. Wikipedia was reporting 209,000 in their armed forces and 102,000 paramilitary. They are now reporting their armed forces at 196,600. President Zelensky said on 21 May that 700,000 soldiers are defending Ukraine. Most of those are militia. The Ukrainian army is around 200,000 and I gather is going to grow to 300,000. It does take a while to build up an army. The upper limited of mobilization is around 5% of the population (there have been cases where it has been higher). So Ukraine with a population of 40 million can build up an army of 2 million, especially if it continues to receive significant outside help. The Russia commentor Col. Kodaryonok stated in his outburst on Russian TV a couple of days ago that “But the situation from the overall strategic position is that the Ukrainian armed forces are able to arm a million people. They’re saying it themselves, that for us, there’s no difficulty in mobilizing a million people. The whole issue is to what extent they’re able to supply this army of modern weapons and military hardware… so a million armed Ukrainian soldiers needs to be viewed as a reality of the very near future.” I would also add that they need to be trained, which takes a while.

The Azov Regiment that was holding in Mariupol was actually a militia unit. That is the case with some of the foreign volunteer battalions also. There are some foreign volunteer units that have been there a while, including two Chechen battalions and a Georgian unit. I have yet to any statistics as to how many other foreign volunteers have been deployed, just individual stories.

There also the independent Belarussian Kastus Kalinouski Battalion, which as of 5 March is reported to have 200 members. They were serving in Irpin (near Kiev). It is reported that they have had thousands of volunteers. The deputy commander of the battalion (age 31) was killed on action on 13 March and another member was lost on 24 March in Irpin. On 16 May it was reported that a company commander had been killed. They state that a total of six Belarussians had died in this battalion since February. This, of course, threatens to bring the war into Belarus at some point.

Outside support for Ukraine is considerable and reported in a separate blog post: Outside Support for Ukraine | Mystics & Statistics ( Not sure I am going to update this. Additional material is being sent, including Harpoon anti-ship missiles from Denmark. Bulgaria has been hesitant to provide Soviet-era heavy weapons to Ukraine due to internal politics. Major weapon systems from Germany are also slow to arrive. 

The U.S. is now admitting that it helped target Russian generals. See: American intel used to kill Russian generals in Ukraine: US officials. This is something we had assumed for a while. See:  How Much is U.S. Intelligence helping Ukraine? | Mystics & Statistics ( and How Much is U.S. intelligence helping Ukraine? – part 2 | Mystics & Statistics ( And then yesterday they admitted that U.S. intel helped with tracking the sunk Russian cruiser Moskva, some we also assumed: Official: US gave intel before Ukraine sank Russian warship. Apparently, they did not provide specific targeting information. A group of Russian officers were hit 17 May in the Russian occupied city of Melitopol. Ukraine claims it was done by “partisans.” They are also reporting attacking an armored train. If true, this opens a whole new dimension to this war, although other reports indicate that this was a “special operation” as opposed to partisans. Major General Kanamat Botashev was reported killed while flying an Su-25. This has been confirmed. Two more generals reported killed this weekend, General Roman Kutuzov and Roman Berdnikov. Kutuzov has been confirmed.

So far twelve named generals have been reported killed in this war. Five deaths have been confirmed and three are still alive.

Russian Army Build-up:  I have yet to see many reports of Russia expanding its army or calling up more reserves and conscripts. Their biannual call-up starts on 1 April, and Putin just signed a decree ordering up 134,500 new conscripts into the army. See the comments in the Day 35 for a discussion on the significance of this. We are now in the tenth week of the war. Are they going to expand their army as Ukraine is clearly expanding theirs, or are they expecting that this war will end shortly? It looks like the Russian Army is adding a couple of thousand volunteers. The U.S. DOD told reporters on 8 April that the Russia could be looking to recruit as many as 60,000 soldiers to join the fight. Still have not seen any indications of major build-up, although they are rebuilding and refitting their units.

Opposing forces: Ukraine had before the war an army (ground forces) of 169,000 in 2016. The Russian army (not armed forces) was 280,000. The current Ukrainian army is now probably over 200,000. The Russian army (ground forces) in and around Ukraine is probably around 150,000 (up to 190,000). Donetsk PR is estimated at 20,000 and Lugansk at 14,000. Russia may be able to add more forces from their own resources, but not much more. If they want to add more, they are going to have to mobilize. Russia appears to be hesitant to do so. I suspect with full mobilization; we could be looking at a Ukrainian army larger than 300,000. People are now even talking about a Ukrainian armed force of 700,000 to 1,000,000. At some point, Russia will have to mobilize to continue this war. I do not think Russia can win this war without further mobilization. If fact, with the increased aid flowing into Ukraine, Russia may very well end up losing territory it currently holds without additional mobilization. The failure to mobilize is hard to explain from a military point of view. It is clearly a result of domestic political concerns.

Economics and the Home Fronts: The U.S. congress has approved a $40 billion aid bill for Ukraine. That along with previous aid from dozens of other countries ($20-$25 billion), new economic aid from the G-7 (now reported at $19.8 billion), the previous U.S. aid bill in March ($13 billion), and so forth, is pushing the amount of aid this year towards $100 billion (40.1 + 25 + 19.8 + 13 + 0.7 = 99). This is enough to match the entire Russian 2021 defense budget of 61.7 billion and keep the Ukrainian economy afloat. It means that Ukraine can stay in this war for an extended fight. It changes the strategic balance and strategic considerations.

The discussion of the economic situation and the home fronts has been updated in a separate rambling blog post: The Home Fronts during the Russo-Ukrainian War – update 2 | Mystics & Statistics ( The IIF (Institute of International Finance) is estimating that the Russian economy will shrink by 15% this year and 3% in 2023. This is in line with previously reported estimates of an 8-12% decline in the Russian economy. The only estimate I have seen for Ukraine was a 45% decline. Not sure that is the case anymore with $100 billion in aid coming in (Ukrainian GDP was $181 billion). 

Price of oil is up to 120.99 as of 11:15 AM and the ruble is at 58.24 to the dollar, which is the strongest I have seen it in a very long time (since 2018).

Casualties: Ukraine admitted on 29 April that they have suffered “serious losses” in battles. Zelensky is now saying that between “50 to 100 Ukrainians could be killed”  each day in the Battle for Donbas. We take these claims at face value. They also claim that Russian losses are “colossal.” That claim has not been confirmed. Zelensky told CNN on 15 April that Ukrainian Army had lost between 2,500-3,000 troops since the fighting has begun and about 10,000 have been wounded (wounded-to-killed ratio of 4.00- or 3.33-to-1). According to NYT the U.S. intelligence estimates as of 19 April are between 5,500 to 11,000 Ukrainians killed and between 7,000 to 10,000 Russians killed.

Zelensky stated in an interview on 1 June that between 60 to 100 Ukrainian soldiers are lost on the battlefield each week, with an additional 500 wounded. This would make for a wounded-to-killed ratio of 5-to-1 or 8.33-to-1.

Ukraine is claiming as of 19 April that 20,800 Russian and DPR soldiers have been killed, Russians are claiming as of 16 April that 23,367 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed. Are both sets of figures similarly inflated? It does argue that losses on both sides are similar in size.

Prisoner swap of wounded Ukrainians trapped in Mariupol appeared to have been negotiated, but so far nothing has been reported. I gather that the 53 seriously wounded prisoners are being swapped. Don’t know about the rest of the people. On 2 June, Ukraine and Russia exchanged 160 bodies of killed soldiers and another 50 on 8 June.

The UN is reporting as of 8 June at least 4,302 civilians confirmed dead in the war. Of those 2,472 of the deaths are in the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk with 154 killed in territory controlled by Russian separatists. Ukraine is reporting that as of 25 April, 3,818 civilians were killed in Ukraine. This is not that far from the UN figure. One wonders if the claimed Mariupol casualties are included in these figures. The rate of accrual of reported civilian casualties has gone down. 

It is clear that more than 13,000 people have died in this conflict (1,351 (Russian Army) + at least 2,000 more (Russian Army) + 3,000 (Ukrainian Army) + 4,302 (Civilians) + 1,986 (DPR) + 600 (LPR) = 13,249). It is probably in excess of 20,000 total deaths depending on Ukrainian and Russian military deaths and the real count of civilian losses. The number of deaths of Mariupol are unverified and unknown and could add thousands to these totals.

As of June 7 Ukraine is claiming to have killed 31,250 Russian soldiers, while Russia is claiming to have killed 38,257 Ukrainian soldiers (as calculated by @HelloMrBond). I have questioned the Ukrainian claims: The Ukrainian casualty claims are inflated – part 1 | Mystics & Statistics ( Needless to say, I also doubt the Russian claims.

A more detailed discussion is provided here: Losses during the Russo-Ukrainian War of 2022 | Mystics & Statistics (

Air Power: The Pentagon on 12 March is reporting that Russia is flying about 200 sorties a day. The Ukrainian air force has 56 operational jets flying 5 to 10 hours a day. March 22 it was reported by the U.S. that Russia flew more than 300 sorties into Ukraine. March 24 it was reported that more than 250 Russian sorties were flown, mostly around Kiev and Kharkov. On 12 May, the U.S. was claiming that the Russians flew 300 sorties over Ukraine in the last 24 hours. On 14 May they were claiming 250 Russian sorties. It has been pretty consistent reporting of 250-300 sorties a day for quite some time now.

Missile Defense: According to Zelenskyy the missile barrage near Lvov on 12 March consisted of 30 missiles, 8 missiles that landed and 22 missiles that were intercepted and shot down. On the morning of 16 April in the Lvov region, Ukraine claimed it downed four cruise missiles fired by Su-35s operating from Belarus. Zelensky claimed on 26 April that Russians have fired more than 1,100 missiles at Ukraine. The U.S. DOD claimed on 29 April that more than 1,950 missiles have been fired at Ukraine since the start of the war and they are currently firing about 50 a day.

End of the War: It does look like Russia intends to take and hold onto all of Donetsk and Lugansk provinces, and possibly all of Kherson province and four-fifths of Zaporizhzhia province. The capital Zaporizhzhia (pop. 722,713) may not be on their list of areas to take. So, four out of Ukraine’s 24 provinces and Crimea.

Populations of partly or completely occupied areas (2019 estimates):

Donetsk: 4,165,901

Lugansk: 2,151,833

Crimea: 2,033,700 (2001 census)

Zaporizhzhia: 1,705,836

Kherson: 1,037,640

Sevastopol: 509,992 (2021 estimate)


Population of Ukraine (excluding Crimea), 2022 estimate: 41,167,336

What they are willing to later negotiate away to achieve peace or a ceasefire is unknown. What Ukraine is willing to negotiate away is also unknown, although they are now saying the war will continue until all areas are freed. Does that include the LPR, DPR and Crimea? When they are ready to return to talks is unknown. This looks like an extended war and I don’t think will be over before the end of summer. At this point, unless Russia mobilizes, it will slowly turn to Ukraine’s advantage.

Atrocities:  Reports from Ukraine have put the body count of civilians found in the towns and villages surround Kiev at 1,222. Not sure if this has been independently confirmed, but I assume the UN counting efforts have now picked up most of these civilian deaths. Ukraine has identified ten Russian soldiers wanted for “pre-mediated murder” in Bucha. They are all enlisted from the 64th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade. These are the first charges unveiled of over 8,000 criminal investigations. The U.S. is claiming it has “credible information” of Russians killing Ukrainians in the vicinity of Donetsk who were trying to surrender.

There are also various accusations against the Russian Army Chechen unit operating around Bucha: Brutal Sect of Putin’s Army Accused of Murdering Their Own Comrades.

More claims of atrocities coming out with videos of Russian troops shooting two civilians outside of Kiev in March. Ukraine has sentenced a 21-year old POW to life in prison for shooting a civilian who was talking on his phone. Ukraine is now charging 48 more Russian soldiers (currently POWs) and investigating around 13,000 alleged offenses. The Ukrainian officials have a list of about 6000 suspects. Two POWs pleaded guilty on 26 May of firing Grad rockets from Russia’s Belgorod region towards Kharkov on 24 Feb.

Meanwhile, the head of the DPR is saying that the fighters who surrendered at the Azovstal steel mill are to be put on trail. Somehow, this response does not surprise me. The DPR has now convicted and sentenced three captured foreign fighters to death by firing squad. They are two UK citizens and a Moroccan. They have a month to appeal their sentences. So Ukraine has convicted three POWs for war crimes and now DPR has now sentence three people for execution. One wonders if this will be the subject for the next prisoner exchange. As the two sides are still conducting exchanges of prisoners and bodies of killed soldiers, there is some hope for some resolution here. 

There is also a video out there of Ukrainian soldiers shooting several Russian prisoners in their legs. There is a second video showing Ukrainian troops executing what appears to be four Russian prisoners seven miles SW of Bucha. See: More detailed description from BBC: It is on Youtube, if you want to look it up. I believe they are members of the Georgian Legion, a group of Georgian volunteers fighting for Ukraine.

There are also some retribution killings going on: Ukrainian Chief Intelligence Directorate: another traitor of Ukraine found shot. Ukraine stated on 8 June that they are investigating nearly 480 people for treason and collaboration.

Other Issues: 

NATO has confirmed 18 May that both Finland and Sweden have officially applied to join NATO. NATO has said it will welcome them with open armsThe process of accepting them is expected to take about two weeks and they could be members within a few months. It does require unanimous consent of all 30 members for them to join NATO. Turkey is withholding consent until there is some resolution concerning some weapons embargoes against Turkey and the presence in Sweden of Kurdish refugees wanted by Turkey. It does add an 810-mile (1300 km) border with Russia, but NATO already abuts Russian and Belarussian territory in the Baltic states. 

Ukraine was supposed to be on the fast track to join the European Union (EU), which was the issue that started all the turmoil in 2013. But EU member Austria has objected, and now France is saying that it may take years. All EU members must unanimously agree for a country’s membership negotiations to begin. This is the issue that fueled all the conflict over the last nine years, for the Euromaidan revolt occurred when Ukrainian President Yanukovich decided to join Putin’s Eurasian Union vice the EU. The subsequent conflicts included the whole three-month Euromaidan revolt in the dead of winter of 2013-2014 that led to over 100 Ukrainians being killed, many protesters shot in the street by President Yanokovich’s security forces; the seizure of Crimea; the creation of LPR and DPR; the subsequent war; and now this war. Ukraine certainly has paid a much higher cost to join the EU than anyone else ever has. Current polling (Reuters April 5) shows that 91% of the Ukrainians support joining the EU. 

A Ukrainian court on 23 May order the arrest of former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich. He is accused of treason over the agreement he signed in 2010 (The Kharkiv Pact) to extend Russian leave on naval facilities in Crimea. In 2014 Russian forces in Sevastopol seized all of Crimea and Victor Yanukovich left Ukraine for Russia and was in Moscow by 25 February 2014. He has remained in Russia ever since. He had already received a 13-year jail sentence over a letter he sent to Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2014 asking for Russia to use Russian army and police forces to restore order in Ukraine. 

The Map: The attached map is from Wikipedia. It is dated 10 June. It does show some updates around Kherson on 8 June. It is still showing Zolote in Russian hands on 23 May, which appears to be incorrect.

Who’s Who at HAAC – part 3

We have blogged about the work of a few of our presenters at HAAC. Schedule is here: Schedule for the Historical Analysis Annual Conference (HAAC), 27-29 September 2022 – update 7 | Mystics & Statistics ( Let me flag a few those. This is our third post on this. Probably no more posts on this until we get some more volunteers to do presentations.

1. Dr. Douglas A. Samuelson (InfoLogix, Inc.): Doug Samuelson | FactSpread.  Much experience in national security analytics, including how to estimate the casualties from unexploded land mines, in support of advocacy for the land mines treaty; early warnings about the threat from epidemics and deficiencies in American preparation to respond; dangers from social media.  Long-time columnist (“The ORacle”) and feature writer for OR/MS Today.  He also wrote an obituary for TDI board member John D. Kettelle: In Memoriam — John D. Kettelle Jr. (1925-2012) | ORMS Today ( He did three presentations at MORS 90th Symposium this year, on pandemics and information warfare: Military Operations Research Society > Home (

2. Clinton Reilly (Computer Strategies, Australia): He has guest blogged for us before: Validation of Wargaming Simulation Models – Confusion !! | Mystics & Statistics ( and is quoted here: U.S. Senate and Model Validation – Comments | Mystics & Statistics ( and Response 3 (Breakpoints) | Mystics & Statistics ( and Variable 6: What is the size and capabilities of the Chinese Armed Forces? | Mystics & Statistics ( and Human Factors In Warfare: Combat Intensity | Mystics & Statistics (

3. Joe Follansbee (Col. USA, ret.): President Combat Weapons Developments:

4. Dr. Shawn Woodford – former TDI employee. Has made over 300 posts to this blog. Author of two books that we are not allowed to see.

5. Christopher A. Lawrence (me) – President and Executive Director of TDI. Have made 1254 blog posts and currently have five books listed on Amazon: Christopher A. Lawrence: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle.


Previous posts:

Who’s Who at HAAC – part 1 | Mystics & Statistics (

Who’s Who at HAAC – part 2 | Mystics & Statistics (

The Severskii Donets River Crossing Operation

This is another piece of TNDM analysis from William (Chip) Sayers. He will be doing a presentation at our Historical Analysis conference: Who’s Who at HAAC – part 1 | Mystics & Statistics ( Now, I have questioned the Ukrainian estimates of overall casualties: The Ukrainian casualty claims are inflated – part 1 | Mystics & Statistics ( This post by Chip Sayers makes the point that the estimates of 400+ Russian casualties in this river crossing operation is believable. 

The William (Chip) Sayers piece:

The objective of this set of model runs was to explore the failed Russian river crossing operation of the Siverskiy Donets.  Ukrainian photos of the battlefield aftermath showed vividly the carnage wrought by modern defenses when properly warned and deployed. 

Ukrainian reconnaissance detected the Russian preparations to cross the Siverskiy Donets at least 3 days prior to the river crossing operation, which gave them time to bring up reinforcements and prepare a defense.  According to, The 79th Ukrainian Air Assault Brigade was defending the sector, while one or two Battalion Tactical Groups from the 35th and 74th Mechanized Brigades of the 41st Combined Arms Army were in the area of the attack.  The Institute for the Study of War reports that it was a BTG from the 74th Mech Brigade that conducted the attack.

The vulnerability of attacking forces in a river crossing operation is such that surprise and support are necessary to preclude catastrophic losses.  Clearly, the Russian BTG failed to achieve surprise — it is unknown how well supported they were, but the scale of their losses indicates that whatever support they had was probably inadequate.

I set up the battle with the following forces:

Russian: one mechanized BTG from the 74th Mech Brigade with support from half the guns of the 120th Artillery Brigade (the 41st CAA’s sole artillery brigade) and 30 Mi-24 attack helicopter sorties.

Ukrainian: one battalion from the 79th Air Assault Brigade plus a battalion slice of brigade assets (the brigade apparently was covering a large frontage and probably couldn’t afford to devote more to the battle).  Assuming the Ukrainian Army productively used the warning time they had to bring up supporting fires, I gave the defenders an Urgan MRL battalion from the 27th Rocket Artillery Brigade.  Just for fun, I also gave them ~10% of the Switchblade “kamikaze” UAS that the United States has sent (100 x Switchblade 300 anti-personnel drones and 20 x Switchblade 600 anti-tank drones). 

The Siverskiy Donets is only about 50m wide at the crossing point, and the ground is heavily forested, though relatively flat.  As best as can be determined from aerial video imagery, the battlefield is actually too small to support an attacking battalion.  Soviet motorized rifle battalions attacked on a minimum frontage of 1 kilometer, while a Russian BTG is somewhat beefier organization.  The Siverskiy Donets makes a partial loop at the point of attack and a kilometer attack zone would have taken the entire frontage of the loop such that Russian troops on one side might have been firing into the faces of their compatriots attacking at the other end of the line.  This suggests that they probably attacked on no more than a single company frontage (400m), with four companies in echelon.  This is not a formula for success in an opposed river crossing.

For the base case, I did not give the Ukrainian side a CEV advantage, nor surprise to either side.


After a full day of battle on 11 May, the Russians were decisively repulsed, having lost 27% of their personnel, 80% of their armored fighting vehicles, 50% of their attack helicopters and 38% of their overall combat power.  This compares favorably to the ISW’s estimate of 458 casualties (the TNDM predicted 521) and 80 pieces of equipment, compared to the TNDM report of 89.  50% losses to the attack helicopter force is probably a bit overstated and could bear closer examination.

In contrast, the Ukrainians lost 6% of personnel (85 men), 2 AFVs and 6% of their combat power. 

This disparity in the loss of combat power to the two sides would have undoubtedly made another attempt to cross the river on the 12th a non-starter, even though some sources have reported it as a two-day battle.  If these losses are indeed indicative of what really happened, the second day’s attack could only have been carried out by the 35th Brigade’s BTG.  This would imply that not one, but two BTGs may have been wrecked in the Siverskiy Donets operation.

Run #2: While the force-to-space ratios don’t really support at two-BTG attack, it is possible that when the 74th Mech’s BTG was rendered combat-ineffective, the 35th’s BTG was passed through the 74th to renew the attack.  By including both BTG’s in the Russian Order of Battle and throwing in the balance of the 120th Artillery Brigade, we can see the impact of a rough 2:1 numerical advantage for the attacker’s side.

As it happens, even this reinforcement only yielded a combat power ratio of 1:1, which did not allow for a successful crossing of the river.  Russian casualties were somewhat lower, but still higher than the defender’s losses.  Both sides took about 7% personnel losses, but the Russian units had roughly double the personnel, so took 271 casualties as opposed to only 110 by the Ukrainians.  The Russians lost 29 AFVs to the Ukrainians’ 3, but this is deceptive as the defenders had only a small number of tanks to lose — their 3 AFV losses represented 45% of their starting force.  The bigger story is that the Russian’s lost 15% of their combat power, while the Ukrainians lost just 8%, thus ensuring the attackers would never make it across the river without significant reinforcement.

Run #3: Some sites have reported that the operation continued into a second day, so the third run was essentially the first run with a second day’s extension where the 35th Brigade’s BTG took over the fight.  I also postulated that it would be too expensive for the Ukrainians to devote a second package of Switchblade drones to battle.  Therefore, the defenders’ combat power was weakened in comparison to the first day’s battle, despite their low losses.

After extracting the losses to the defenders and not adding the Switchblade package back in, the fresh 35th Bde BTG replaced the broken 74th’s BTG with exactly the same combat power.  Thus, we have a fresh second echelon committed to battle against a moderately depleted defender. 


Without their Switchblade drones, the 79th Air Assault Brigade defenders were unable to repulse the second echelon, though the attack was only able to make 350 meters beyond the river’s edge.  In doing so, the Russians lost another 323 men, a third of their AFVs and 14% of their combat power.  The defenders lost 130 men, 2 AFVs and 1% of their combat power.  All told, in the two-day battle the Russians lost nearly 850 men, 45 AFVs, had one BTG rendered combat ineffective and barely gained a toehold on the south side of the Siverskiy Donets. 

Run #4: Clearly, a CEV advantage to the Ukrainian side would merely make the Russian defeats in Runs #1 and #2 worse, so they needn’t be explored further.  Run number 4 was run as run #3, but with a Ukrainian CEV of 1.2.


On day 1, the Russians lost 57% of their combat power and 124% of their AFVs, indicating they their armored vehicles wouldn’t have survived to the end of the day, thus the battle would have likely ceased less than 16 hours in.  After such a slaughter, it is questionable if the Russians would have tried it again the next day with the second BTG.

On day 2, the Russian second echelon managed to take the crossing site to the same depth as run #3, but lost 50% of their AFVs and 20% of their combat power in doing so.  The casualty list after two days would have totaled over a thousand Russian soldiers.  Technically, this might be called a Russian “victory,” but without a substantial exploitation force behind them, it would surely be a pyrrhic one.

Run #5: The next few runs explored the idea that the Russians not only failed to achieve the needed surprise, but were, in fact, surprised by the resistance they ran into.  Again, runs #1 & #2 were sufficiently adverse to the attacker that they needn’t be explored further.  This is a re-run of run #3 with minor surprise by the defenders.


While the 74th’s BTG was thoroughly destroyed (41% personnel losses, 161% of AFVs and 71% of its combat power lost), interestingly, the 35th’s BTG made the same gains and losses were almost exactly what they were in run #4.  This surprising result is because surprise degrades over time, and the second day of minor surprise essentially equates to the Ukrainian CEV of 1.2 from run #4.

Run #6: Given this, run #6 was done with substantial surprise.  Not surprisingly, the 74th BTG was obliterated in short order, losing over 54% of its personnel, 271% of its AFVs and 115% of its combat power.  It could be scratched out of the Russian OOB after half a day’s fight.  The 35th BTG, however, still made it across the river, albeit at some cost.

Run #7: Run 7 was done with complete surprise — not a likely situation, but one explored for completeness.  The results were much the same, with the 74th annihilated after just a few hours, while the 35th persisted in gaining the far bank of the Siverskiy Donets.  However, at a cost of 1/3rd of its personnel, all of its AFVs and 35% of its combat power, the BTG would have been hors de combat until a rest and refit period were accomplished.

At this point, I ran several sensitivity exercises without using the Switchblade package from the first day of the battle, but including variations of surprise and CEV.  No amount of surprise was capable of repulsing the attack and only a Ukrainian CEV of 1.5 proved sufficient to keep the Russians on their side of the river without the use of the kamikaze UAVs.  As a large influx of combat power in some form was needed to rebuff the attack, I made a final run with the entire 79th Air Assault Brigade in place of the Switchblades.  This did, indeed, defeat the single BTG on day 1 of the battle with losses comparable to those estimated to have actually been incurred by the Russian force.  In other words, it took a force three times the size of our estimate to successfully defeat the river crossing without extraordinary support.  This would, of course, have been advantageous for defending a day 2 attack by the 35th BTG had it occurred, since the entire brigade would remain in place, as opposed to the Switchblade package that we posited would be too expensive to recreate for the second day’s battle.


Once again, the TNDM has demonstrated that the reported results of this battle are entirely consistent with historical outcomes — nothing too unusual or particularly remarkable happened here.

Also, Russian tactical incompetence is once again the key to interpreting the results of this battle.  Had the Russians achieved the prerequisite surprise, things would have gone very differently.  A final model run with the shoe on the other foot confirms this.

Finally, the impact of a single weapon system — in this case the Switchblade kamikaze UAS — proved pivotal.  Essentially a round of ammunition, these killer drones significantly boosted the combat power of the defenders.  However, once expended, the defending units went back to their organic firepower, which was insufficient to hold the line.  This underscores the importance of a steady, sustainable supply of weapons and logistical support from NATO and other countries sympathetic to the Ukrainian cause.

The Russo-Ukrainian War of 2022 – Day 105 (ground actions)

Since Saturday (June 4) Ukraine has been saying they control around half of Severodonetsk. They also took the eastern suburb of Metolkine. Not sure they continue to hold it. It does appear that Russia is again pushing forward in Severdonetsk with the majority of the city now under Russian control. Zelenskyy did state that Russians have a numerical advantage. Russians are also advancing towards Slovyansk and it appears that Russia is about the renew the offensive from Izyum.

While some were painting the Ukrainian retaking of parts of Severodonetsk as a significant victory, it does appear the Russian advance in the city was due to a Ukrainian withdrawal. Those Russian advance forces may have only been recon elements and forwards detachments. Ukraine’s retaking of parts of the city may have been done against a limited force. They now appear to be losing it again.

Regardless, this fight is still significant politically, as this is one of the four cities that Russia needs to take to claim all of Donetsk and Lugansk. It appears that they are not going to take it yet. Furthermore, they were in a position to surround both Severodonetsk and Lysychansk and had effectively enveloped them from three sides. The Ukrainians are fighting around Severodonetsk and Lysychansk with their head in a noose. But those surrounding efforts had not made any progress for days. It appears that the Russian attacks have simply stalled out. This next week will be telling. It is claimed that the army has been ordered to take or encircle Severodonetsk by 10 June. 

Fighting is still going on in around seven locales along the front. There is still fighting going on to north and northeast of Kharkov, and Ukraine made some advances there a week ago (retook the village Vesele). In Lugansk/Donetsk area Russia threatens operations towards Barvenkove, from Lyman towards Slovyansk, and around Poposna in addition to fighting in Severodonetsk. A week ago Russia took Komyshuvakha, to the north of Popasna. No villages in these areas have changed hands since last week except for Svyatohirsk (north bank of the Seversky Donetsk River). It appears all these areas are all active fronts though. Around Kherson, Ukraine is conducting two offensives, one towards Kherson and one to the NE of Kherson looking to drive behind it. They don’t seem to be gaining much ground. No villages changed hands since last week. 

I will put any changes/updates since my last post in italics. A link to a blow up of the map is here: Wikipedia map

The map below from 20 May is borrowed from Dr. Michael Mackay @mhmck. The area threatened with encirclement contain the cities of Sievierdonetsk and Lysychansk and surrounding areas which had a population in excess of 350,000. One can see the expansion around Popasna.

The Russians have made some progress on their larger objective of taking all of the Lugansk/Donetsk provinces. Not sure how much more they can do. The objectives are clearly Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. Sloviansk and Kramatorsk appear to be secure. The four main cities in this area are Severodonetsk (pop. 101,135), Lysychansk (pop. 95,031), Sloviansk (pop. 106,972) and Kramatorsk (pop. 150,084). It appears that the war has been reduced to 1) a fight over Severodonetsk and Lysychansk and 2) maybe a fight over Kherson. We shall see if any other major operations develop.

We have been looking at six major areas of operations. Only two appear to be active right now. Russia now occupies four cities, Mariupol (pop. 431,859), Berdyansk (pop. 107,928), Melitopol (pop. 150,768) and Kherson (pop. 283,649). 

1. Kiev – secure

2. Odessa – secure

3. Kharkov – secure

4. The Donetsk and Lugansk provinces
5. Mariupol – operations completed
6. Crimean border/Kherson

It appears that Kiev, Chernigov, Sumy and the northeast part of Ukraine are secure. Of course, Russia can always reintroduce troops later from Russia or Belarus. They are supposed to have around 20 BTGs in Russia. A Ukranian border guard was killed on 16 May near Sumy.

The U.S. DOD is reporting that the Russian forces in Ukraine are being reinforced, with the count of BTGs going up from 92 to 105 (now 106).

Here is what I have heard/seen from open sources:

1. Kiev (pop: 2,962,180): It appears that Kiev is secure. It did get hit with missile attacks on Sunday.

2. Odessa (pop: 1,015,826): Appears to be secure.

3. Kharkov (pop: 1,433,886): Kharkov looks to be securely held but is still being hit by both missiles and artillery. The areas held here have not changed much since 17 May (see maps below).

Map showing front lines near Kharkov on 27 April and 17 May (cribbed from @War_Mapper), with the 17 May map showing the taking of Dementiivka.

The Russians do appear to have been pushing to the southwest towards Barvinkove (pop. 8,110), vice the south or southeast. So it is either a broader encirclement of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, or the rumored drive on Dnipro (which I really don’t believe they are going to try). Still, no villages have been reported taken in this area for the last few weeks. A video from Sky News from Barvinkove (3:58): Ukraine War: Ukrainian soldiers stand firm in Barvinkove. Trench warfare (2:14)?

Russia did take the village of Lyman (pop. 20,469) on 27 May (although they claimed they took it on 25 May). On 23 May, the mayor there said the town was down to 7,000-8,000 residents. Another map cribbed from @War_Mapper dated 9 May. Since then the Russians have taken Lyman and most of the areas north of the Severskii Donets River.

As can be seen from this map, this brings all the area on the northern side of the Seversky Donets River under Russian control. The Russians also took Yarova (pop. 2,079 in 2011) on 1 June, to the NW of Lyman. The Ukrainians still have the river between them and Slovyansk.

The latest Russian efforts are pushing to the south at the town of Svyatohirsk (pop. 4,309), which is 19 miles (30 kilometers) due north of Slovyansk and on the north bank of the Severskii Donetsk River. Russia is claiming to have “liberated” Svyatohirsk on 7 June. Lots of other attacks reported but no real movement on the ground.

4. The Donetsk and Lugansk provinces: The Russians currently hold over half of Severdonetsk and appear to be on the advance. The Ukrainians took the eastern suburb of Metolkine. Not sure they continue to hold it. The city is surrounded on three sides. This also puts Lysychansk in danger. According to Ukraine only 15,000 civilians remained in Severodonetsk and only 20,000 reman in Lysychansk.

To the south, the village of Zolote in still held by Ukraine, even though some reports claimed Russia took it on 23 May. The Ukrainian government is still reporting on 7 June that houses were destroyed in Zolote from shelling, which indicates that Ukraine holds it. The Ukrainians retook Toshkivka on 29 May but lost at least part of it the following day. Ukraine is still reporting on houses lost of Toshkivka also, so I assume they still hold part of it. Both of these locales are just south of Severodonetsk and this is helping secure the city from envelopment from the south.

The danger of surrounding Severodonetsk and Lysychansk is coming from the Russian operations around Popasna (pop. 19,672), which has been in Russian hands since 7 May. They are threatening Bakhmut (pop. 72,310) and Soledar (pop.10,692). The Russian forces have advanced to within 10 miles (16 kilometers) of Bakhmut. The Russians have taken Komyshuvakha (pop. 2,058) to the north of Popasna. 

The map below is from 4 June by @War_Mapper.

Further south Avdiyivka (31,940) is still in Ukranian hands but is being shelled. Ukraine claimed on 27 April that Avdiyivka was hit twice by phosphorus munitions. They are reported pushing towards Kamyanka and Novoselivka, to its north.

Slovyansk (pop. 106,972) and Kramatorsk (pop. 150,084) appear safe for now. Still, it is claimed there are only about 22 – 24,000 people left in Slovyansk. Kramatorsk had its rail station hit on 9 April with over 50 civilians killed.

To the southwest of this fight, the Ukrainians have retaken Maryinka (pop. 9,256) on 19 April, which had been taken by the DPR on 17 March. 

The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) is reporting as of 26 May that they had 1,986 soldiers killed and 8,199 wounded (4.13-to-1 wounded-to-killed ratio) out of a supposed strength of 20,000. This is 51% casualties out of an estimated force of 20,000, which is pretty serious. They have been surprisingly diligent about regularly reporting their casualty figures. One wonders if some Russian losses or contractors are being included in these figures. Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) is reported as of 5 April to have had 500-600 killed out of an estimated force of 14,000. This is 21% casualties, assuming a 4-to-1 killed ratio. Don’t know how many of DPR and LPR forces are Russians from Russia as opposed to locals.

Zelensky in an interview on CNN on 17 April said they had 44,000 professional military men in the Donbas.

5. Mariupol (pop: 431,859): The siege lasted seventy-seven days. As of 17 May, Mariupol is under control of Russia although they declared on 20 May that they had “completely liberated” the steel works. It apparently took a couple of days for everyone to surrender, including the final 531 Ukranian troops. The Alamo held out for 13 days. The Germans surrounded in Stalingrad held out for 72 days. The Russian defense minister said 1,908 at that same time, and they have now upped their claimed prisoners to 2,439 (note that 1908 + 531 = 2,439). This is more prisoners that some of the previous Russian claims of defender strength. So far, none have been exchanged. Denys Prokopenkop, the senior commander in the Azovstal steel mill, is being held in Russian controlled territory and was able to have brief conversation with his wife. 

The population of the city is down to 100,000 or less. I assume the civilians are not planning to return. The mayor, who is no longer in the city, claimed that more than 10,000 people have been killed. The head of DPR (Donets People’s Republic) has said over 5,000 people have been killed. The city has been decimated, lots of buildings and houses destroyed. Mariupol has no power, gas or water. 

There is a mass grave being reported outside of Mariupol near the town of Manhush. It looks like around 200 graves have been dug. Another mass grave is also being reported on 23 April. So far, they appear to be graves for hundreds of people, vice thousands. A third mass grave has been reported. There has been no new reports on this for a while.

6. Crimea & Kherson (pop: 283,649): Kherson is under Russian control. Are the Ukrainians going to make a push to take back Kherson? The Ukrainians are conducting offensive operations around Kherson, but no major territory has exchanged hands. They are 10 miles (15 kilometers) outside of Kherson. The more interesting operation is the one to the NE of Kherson, where Ukraine has driven down a road that goes behind the city. towards the Dnipro River. This advance towards Kostromka threatens to cut off the Russian forces to the NE of there. This could result is a significant gain of ground by Ukraine. It also could start the process of isolating Kherson. We shall see if this advance continues. It does not seem to have gained much ground in the last week and Russia still holds Kostromka.

A car bombing occurred last week in Melitopol. Either the work of a developing Ukrainian insurgency or special operations. 

Weather: Kharkov at 4 PM: 79 degrees (25 Celsius) and mostly cloudy. Low tonight 59 degrees (15 Celsius). Rain is forecasted for this Sunday (50%) and the next two days. Looks like weather is clear for operations. 

Ukrainian Army Build-up: 

The big news is what is occurring off the battlefield, where U.S. and other international aid is now providing more than $90 billion in aid to Ukraine. Over the long run this will change the military balance between Ukraine and Russia, unless Russia fully mobilizes for war. They seem hesitant to do this. The U.S. has just added another 0.7 billion in military aid to this total. Germany is slowly getting around to providing more weapons.

Not sure how large the army now is (assume over 200,000). There is a Ukrainian Territorial Defense Force of 100,000 to 200,000. Wikipedia was reporting 209,000 in their armed forces and 102,000 paramilitary. They are now reporting their armed forces at 196,600. President Zelensky said on 21 May that 700,000 soldiers are defending Ukraine. Most of those are militia. The Ukrainian army is around 200,000 and I gather is going to grow to 300,000. It does take a while to build up an army. The upper limited of mobilization is around 5% of the population (there have been cases where it has been higher). So Ukraine with a population of 40 million can build up an army of 2 million, especially if it continues to receive significant outside help. The Russia commentor Col. Kodaryonok stated in his outburst on Russian TV a couple of days ago that “But the situation from the overall strategic position is that the Ukrainian armed forces are able to arm a million people. They’re saying it themselves, that for us, there’s no difficulty in mobilizing a million people. The whole issue is to what extent they’re able to supply this army of modern weapons and military hardware… so a million armed Ukrainian soldiers needs to be viewed as a reality of the very near future.” I would also add that they need to be trained, which takes a while.

The Azov Regiment that was holding in Mariupol was actually a militia unit. That is the case with some of the foreign volunteer battalions also. There are some foreign volunteer units that have been there a while, including two Chechen battalions and a Georgian unit. I have yet to any statistics as to how many other foreign volunteers have been deployed, just individual stories.

There also the independent Belarussian Kastus Kalinouski Battalion, which as of 5 March is reported to have 200 members. They were serving in Irpin (near Kiev). It is reported that they have had thousands of volunteers. The deputy commander of the battalion (age 31) was killed on action on 13 March and another member was lost on 24 March in Irpin. On 16 May it was reported that a company commander had been killed. They state that a total of six Belarussians had died in this battalion since February. This, of course, threatens to bring the war into Belarus at some point.

Outside support for Ukraine is considerable and reported in a separate blog post: Outside Support for Ukraine | Mystics & Statistics ( Not sure I am going to update this. Additional material is being sent, including Harpoon anti-ship missiles from Denmark. Bulgaria has been hesitant to provide Soviet-era heavy weapons to Ukraine due to internal politics. 

The U.S. is now admitting that it helped target Russian generals. See: American intel used to kill Russian generals in Ukraine: US officials. This is something we had assumed for a while. See:  How Much is U.S. Intelligence helping Ukraine? | Mystics & Statistics ( and How Much is U.S. intelligence helping Ukraine? – part 2 | Mystics & Statistics ( And then yesterday they admitted that U.S. intel helped with tracking the sunk Russian cruiser Moskva, some we also assumed: Official: US gave intel before Ukraine sank Russian warship. Apparently, they did not provide specific targeting information. A group of Russian officers were hit 17 May in the Russian occupied city of Melitopol. Ukraine claims it was done by “partisans.” They are also reporting attacking an armored train. If true, this opens a whole new dimension to this war, although other reports indicate that this was a “special operation” as opposed to partisans. Major General Kanamat Botashev was reported killed while flying an Su-25. This has been confirmed. Two more generals reported killed this weekend, General Roman Kutuzov and Roman Berdnikov. Kutuzov has been confirmed.

So far twelve named generals have been reported killed in this war. Five deaths have been confirmed and three are still alive.

Russian Army Build-up:  I have yet to see many reports of Russia expanding its army or calling up more reserves and conscripts. Their biannual call-up starts on 1 April, and Putin just signed a decree ordering up 134,500 new conscripts into the army. See the comments in the Day 35 for a discussion on the significance of this. We are now in the tenth week of the war. Are they going to expand their army as Ukraine is clearly expanding theirs, or are they expecting that this war will end shortly? It looks like the Russian Army is adding a couple of thousand volunteers. The U.S. DOD told reporters on 8 April that the Russia could be looking to recruit as many as 60,000 soldiers to join the fight. Still have not seen any indications of major build-up, although they are rebuilding and refitting their units.

Opposing forces: Ukraine had before the war an army (ground forces) of 169,000 in 2016. The Russian army (not armed forces) was 280,000. The current Ukrainian army is now probably over 200,000. The Russian army (ground forces) in and around Ukraine is probably around 150,000 (up to 190,000). Donetsk PR is estimated at 20,000 and Lugansk at 14,000. Russia may be able to add more forces from their own resources, but not much more. If they want to add more, they are going to have to mobilize. Russia appears to be hesitant to do so. I suspect with full mobilization; we could be looking at a Ukrainian army larger than 300,000. People are now even talking about a Ukrainian armed force of 700,000 to 1,000,000. At some point, Russia will have to mobilize to continue this war. I do not think Russia can win this war without further mobilization. If fact, with the increased aid flowing into Ukraine, Russia may very well end up losing territory it currently holds without additional mobilization. The failure to mobilize is hard to explain from a military point of view. It is clearly a result of domestic political concerns.

Economics and the Home Fronts: The U.S. congress has approved a $40 billion aid bill for Ukraine. That along with previous aid from dozens of other countries ($20-$25 billion), new economic aid from the G-7 (now reported at $19.8 billion), the previous U.S. aid bill in March ($13 billion), and so forth, is pushing the amount of aid this year towards $100 billion (40.1 + 25 + 19.8 + 13 + 0.7 = 99). This is enough to match the entire Russian 2021 defense budget of 61.7 billion and keep the Ukrainian economy afloat. It means that Ukraine can stay in this war for an extended fight. It changes the strategic balance and strategic considerations.

The discussion of the economic situation and the home fronts has been updated in a separate rambling blog post: The Home Fronts during the Russo-Ukrainian War – update 2 | Mystics & Statistics (

Price of oil is up to 122.01 as of 9:08 AM and the ruble is at 59.99 to the dollar, which is the strongest I have seen it in a very long time (since 2018).

Casualties: Ukraine admitted on 29 April that they have suffered “serious losses” in battles. Zelensky is now saying that between “50 to 100 Ukrainians could be killed”  each day in the Battle for Donbas. We take these claims at face value. They also claim that Russian losses are “colossal.” That claim has not been confirmed. Zelensky told CNN on 15 April that Ukrainian Army had lost between 2,500-3,000 troops since the fighting has begun and about 10,000 have been wounded (wounded-to-killed ratio of 4.00- or 3.33-to-1). According to NYT the U.S. intelligence estimates as of 19 April are between 5,500 to 11,000 Ukrainians killed and between 7,000 to 10,000 Russians killed.

Zelensky stated in an interview on 1 June that between 60 to 100 Ukrainian soldiers are lost on the battlefield each week, with an additional 500 wounded. This would make for a wounded-to-killed ratio of 5-to-1 or 8.33-to-1.

Ukraine is claiming as of 19 April that 20,800 Russian and DPR soldiers have been killed, Russians are claiming as of 16 April that 23,367 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed. Are both sets of figures similarly inflated? It does argue that losses on both sides are similar in size.

Prisoner swap of wounded Ukrainians trapped in Mariupol appeared to have been negotiated, but so far nothing has been reported. I gather that the 53 seriously wounded prisoners are being swapped. Don’t know about the rest of the people. On 2 June, Ukraine and Russia exchanged 160 bodies of killed soldiers.

The UN is reporting as of 6 June at least 4,253 civilians confirmed dead in the war. Of those 2,455 of the deaths are in the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk with 152 killed in territory controlled by Russian separatists. Ukraine is reporting that as of 25 April, 3,818 civilians were killed in Ukraine. This is not that far from the UN figure. One wonders if the claimed Mariupol casualties are included in these figures. The rate of accrual of reported civilian casualties has gone down. 

It is clear that more than 13,000 people have died in this conflict (1,351 (Russian Army) + at least 2,000 more (Russian Army) + 3,000 (Ukrainian Army) + 4,253 (Civilians) + 1,986 (DPR) + 600 (LPR) = 13,200). It is probably in excess of 20,000 total deaths depending on Ukrainian and Russian military deaths and the real count of civilian losses. The number of deaths of Mariupol are unverified and unknown and could add thousands to these totals.

Ukraine is claiming to have killed 31,250 Russian soldiers, while Russia is claiming to have killed 38,257 Ukrainian soldiers (as calculated by @HelloMrBond). I have questioned the Ukrainian claims: The Ukrainian casualty claims are inflated – part 1 | Mystics & Statistics ( Needless to say, I also doubt the Russian claims.

A more detailed discussion is provided here: Losses during the Russo-Ukrainian War of 2022 | Mystics & Statistics (

Air Power: The Pentagon on 12 March is reporting that Russia is flying about 200 sorties a day. The Ukrainian air force has 56 operational jets flying 5 to 10 hours a day. March 22 it was reported by the U.S. that Russia flew more than 300 sorties into Ukraine. March 24 it was reported that more than 250 Russian sorties were flown, mostly around Kiev and Kharkov. On 12 May, the U.S. was claiming that the Russians flew 300 sorties over Ukraine in the last 24 hours. On 14 May they were claiming 250 Russian sorties. It has been pretty consistent reporting of 250-300 sorties a day for quite some time now.

Missile Defense: According to Zelenskyy the missile barrage near Lvov on 12 March consisted of 30 missiles, 8 missiles that landed and 22 missiles that were intercepted and shot down. On the morning of 16 April in the Lvov region, Ukraine claimed it downed four cruise missiles fired by Su-35s operating from Belarus. Zelensky claimed on 26 April that Russians have fired more than 1,100 missiles at Ukraine. The U.S. DOD claimed on 29 April that more than 1,950 missiles have been fired at Ukraine since the start of the war and they are currently firing about 50 a day.

End of the War: It does look like Russia intends to take and hold onto all of Donetsk and Lugansk provinces, and possibly all of Kherson province and four-fifths of Zaporizhzhia province. The capital Zaporizhzhia (pop. 722,713) may not be on their list of areas to take. So, four out of Ukraine’s 24 provinces and Crimea.

Populations of partly or completely occupied areas (2019 estimates):

Donetsk: 4,165,901

Lugansk: 2,151,833

Crimea: 2,033,700 (2001 census)

Zaporizhzhia: 1,705,836

Kherson: 1,037,640

Sevastopol: 509,992 (2021 estimate)


Population of Ukraine (excluding Crimea), 2022 estimate: 41,167,336

What they are willing to later negotiate away to achieve peace or a ceasefire is unknown. What Ukraine is willing to negotiate away is also unknown, although they are now saying the war will continue until all areas are freed. Does that include the LPR, DPR and Crimea? When they are ready to return to talks is unknown. This looks like an extended war and I don’t think will be over before the end of summer. At this point, unless Russia mobilizes, it will slowly turn to Ukraine’s advantage.

Atrocities:  Reports from Ukraine have put the body count of civilians found in the towns and villages surround Kiev at 1,222. Not sure if this has been independently confirmed, but I assume the UN counting efforts have now picked up most of these civilian deaths. Ukraine has identified ten Russian soldiers wanted for “pre-mediated murder” in Bucha. They are all enlisted from the 64th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade. These are the first charges unveiled of over 8,000 criminal investigations. The U.S. is claiming it has “credible information” of Russians killing Ukrainians in the vicinity of Donetsk who were trying to surrender.

There are also various accusations against the Russian Army Chechen unit operating around Bucha: Brutal Sect of Putin’s Army Accused of Murdering Their Own Comrades.

More claims of atrocities coming out with videos of Russian troops shooting two civilians outside of Kiev in March. Ukraine has sentenced a 21-year old POW to life in prison for shooting a civilian who was talking on his phone. Ukraine is now charging 48 more Russian soldiers (currently POWs) and investigating around 13,000 alleged offenses. The Ukrainian officials have a list of about 6000 suspects. Two POWs pleaded guilty on 26 May of firing Grad rockets from Russia’s Belgorod region towards Kharkov on 24 Feb.

Meanwhile, the head of the DPR is saying that the fighters who surrendered at the Azovstal steel mill are to be put on trail. Somehow, this response does not surprise me.

There is also a video out there of Ukrainian soldiers shooting several Russian prisoners in their legs. There is a second video showing Ukrainian troops executing what appears to be four Russian prisoners seven miles SW of Bucha. See: More detailed description from BBC: It is on Youtube, if you want to look it up. I believe they are members of the Georgian Legion, a group of Georgian volunteers fighting for Ukraine.

There are also some retribution killings going on: Ukrainian Chief Intelligence Directorate: another traitor of Ukraine found shot.

Other Issues: 

NATO has confirmed 18 May that both Finland and Sweden have officially applied to join NATO. NATO has said it will welcome them with open armsThe process of accepting them is expected to take about two weeks and they could be members within a few months. It does require unanimous consent of all 30 members for them to join NATO. Turkey is withholding consent until there is some resolution concerning some weapons embargoes against Turkey and the presence in Sweden of Kurdish refugees wanted by Turkey. It does add an 810-mile (1300 km) border with Russia, but NATO already abuts Russian and Belarussian territory in the Baltic states. 

Ukraine was supposed to be on the fast track to join the European Union (EU), which was the issue that started all the turmoil in 2013. But EU member Austria has objected, and now France is saying that it may take years. All EU members must unanimously agree for a country’s membership negotiations to begin. This is the issue that fueled all the conflict over the last nine years, for the Euromaidan revolt occurred when Ukrainian President Yanukovich decided to join Putin’s Eurasian Union vice the EU. The subsequent conflicts included the whole three-month Euromaidan revolt in the dead of winter of 2013-2014 that led to over 100 Ukrainians being killed, many protesters shot in the street by President Yanokovich’s security forces; the seizure of Crimea; the creation of LPR and DPR; the subsequent war; and now this war. Ukraine certainly has paid a much higher cost to join the EU than anyone else ever has. Current polling (Reuters April 5) shows that 91% of the Ukrainians support joining the EU. 

A Ukrainian court on 23 May order the arrest of former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich. He is accused of treason over the agreement he signed in 2010 (The Kharkiv Pact) to extend Russian leave on naval facilities in Crimea. In 2014 Russian forces in Sevastopol seized all of Crimea and Victor Yanukovich left Ukraine for Russia and was in Moscow by 25 February 2014. He has remained in Russia ever since. He had already received a 13-year jail sentence over a letter he sent to Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2014 asking for Russia to use Russian army and police forces to restore order in Ukraine. 

The Map: The attached map is from Wikipedia. It is dated 8 June. It does show some updates on 2 June. It is still showing Zolote in Russian hands on 23 May, which appears to be incorrect.

A Strategy Page Article and Trevor Dupuy and Validation

An article appeared this week in the Strategy Page, which while a little rambling and unfocused, does hit on a few points of importance to us. The article is here: Murphy’s Law: What is Real on the Battlefield. Not sure of the author. But let me make a few rambling and unfocused comments on the article.

First they name-checked Trevor Dupuy. As they note: “Some post World War II historians had noted and measured the qualitative differences but their results were not widely recognized. One notable practitioner of this was military historian and World War II artillery officer Trevor Dupuy.”

“Not widely recognized” is kind of an understatement. In many cases, his work was actively resisted, with considerable criticism (some of it outright false), and often arrogantly and out-of-hand dismissed by people who apparently knew better. This is the reason why four chapters of my book War by Numbers focuses on measuring human factors.

I never understood the arguments from combat analysts and modelers who did not want to measure the qualitative differences between military forces. I would welcome someone who does not think this is useful to make the argument on this blog or maybe at our historical analysis conference. Fact of the matter was that Trevor Dupuy’s work was underfunded and under-resourced throughout the 33 years he pursued this research. His companies were always on the verge of extinction, kept going only by his force of will. 

Second, they discussed validation and the failure of the U.S. DOD to take it into account. Their statement was that “But, in general, validation was not a high priority and avoided as much as possible during peacetime.”  They discuss this as the case in the 1970s, but it was also true in the 1980s, the 1990s and into the current century. In my first meeting at CAA in early 1987, a group of analysts showed up for the purpose of getting the Ardennes Campaign Simulation Data Base (ACSDB) cancelled. There was open hostility at that time to even assembling the data to conduct a validation among the analytical community. We have discussed the need for validation a few times before here:  Summation of our Validation Posts | Mystics & Statistics ( and here: TDI Friday Read: Engaging The Phalanx | Mystics & Statistics ( and here: TDI Friday Read: Battalion-Level Combat Model Validation | Mystics & Statistics ( and here: No Action on Validation In the 2020 National Defense Act Authorization | Mystics & Statistics ( and in Chapters 18 and 19 of War by Numbers.

Nominally, I am somewhat of a validation expert. I have created four+ large validation databases: the Ardennes Campaign Simulation Data Base, the Kursk Data Base, and Battle of Britian Data Base (primarily done by Richard Anderson) and the expansion of the various DuWar databases. I have actually conducted three validations also. This is the fully documented battalion-level validation done for the TNDM (see International TNDM Newsletters Volume I, numbers 2 – 6 at, the fully documented test of various models done in our report CE-1 Casualty Estimation Methodologies Study (May 2005) at and the fully documented test of division and corps level combat at Kursk using the TNDM (see Chapter 19 of War by Numbers and reports FCS-1 and FCS-2 here: That said, no one in DOD has ever invited me to discuss validation. I don’t think they would really agree with what I had to say. On the other hand, if there have been some solid documented validations conducted recently by DOD, then I certainly would invite them to post about it to our blog or present them at our Historical Analysis conference. There has been a tendency for certain agencies to claim they have done VVA and sensitivity tests, but one never seems to find a detailed description of the validation they have conducted.

I will not be specifically discussing these databases or validation at the Historical Analysis conference, but my discussion on the subject in War by Numbers and in over 40 blog posts on this blog.

Who’s Who at HAAC – part 2

We have blogged about the work of a few of our presenters at HAAC. Schedule is here: Schedule for the Historical Analysis Annual Conference (HAAC), 27-29 September 2022 – update 7 | Mystics & Statistics ( Let me flag a few those. This is our second post on this.

1. Dr. Robert Helmbold: Bob Helmbold was the senior analyst at Center for Army Analysis (CAA) like forever. His last words to me before he retired was “Don’t give up the fight.” He is coming out of retirement to present at this conference virtually. Our blog posts referencing his work are here: The Lanchester Equations and Historical Warfare | Mystics & Statistics ( and Aussie OR | Mystics & Statistics ( and Trevor Dupuy and the 3-1 Rule | Mystics & Statistics ( and Lanchester equations have been weighed…. | Mystics & Statistics ( and his new book: The Key to Victory: Machine Learning the Lessons of History | Mystics & Statistics (

The following gentlemen I have never met before:

2. Dr. Paul R. Syms (Dstl): Research gate profile here: Paul SYMS | Analyst | Doctor of Philosophy | Defence Science and Technology Laboratory DSTL, Salisbury | DSA ( Eight of his publications are listed in this link.

3. Dr. David Kirkpatrick (University College London): His bio at RUSI: Professor David Kirkpatrick | Royal United Services Institute ( Several of his publications are listed in this link.

4. Dr. Niall MacKay (University of York): Bio at York: Niall MacKay – Mathematics, University of York. Click on the tab “research” to see his publications. He is also involved in the local group YHWAG (York Historical Warfare Analysis Group)? He will very much be speaking about the group’s work:

5. Dr. Christopher Davis (UNCG): Lecturers – HIS – UNCG. A few of his articles are here:

Guided by Experience: A Comparative Analysis of the U.S. Military Responses to Natural Disasters in Haiti (2010 and 2021) –

The AEF and Consolidation of Gains Operations During the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, 1918 –
History as an Enemy and an Instructor: Lessons Learned from Haiti, 1915-1934 –
The Caribbean Theatre?: Haiti and the First World War – 


6. LtC. Nathan A. Jennings, PhD: We have referenced some of his writings though: Active Defense, Forward Defense, and A2/AD in Eastern Europe | Mystics & Statistics ( and U.S. Army Doctrine and Future Warfare | Mystics & Statistics ( and What Would An Army Optimized For Multi-Domain Battle Look Like? | Mystics & Statistics ( and The U.S. Army’s Identity Crisis: Optimizing For Future Warfare | Mystics & Statistics (

Two proposals on Combat Casualties

In my last post I referenced two proposals I prepared for the CCCRP (Combat Casualty Care Research Program) on combat casualties. This was built off Chapter 15 “Casualties” in my book War by Numbers and some combat casualty modeling work I had done at the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab (MCWL). The working level of CCCRP was very supportive of this effort, but their proposal process went through a group of reviewers, and in each case, one reviewer saw no reason to do this work. As I think the reviewers were medical doctors, and the proposals were not directly related to casualty care, it is not surprising that a couple of them would feel that way. It obviously did not fit any of their immediate needs or concerns. So, this effort died in the fall of 2020.

The two proposals were:

  1. Combat Analysis Proposal of three tasks:
    1. Ratios for operations: A brief exploration of existing sources to determine what the expected wounded-to-killed ratios are for different types of operations. This would include a projection for 1) modern (post-World War II) conventional combat scenarios, 2) modern counter-insurgencies, 3) modern training and assistance missions, and 4) special operations and other active assistance programs. The goal would be to assemble a set of figures that can then be applied to combat model outputs, planning, and other studies and analysis.
    2. Ratios by Posture: Conduct a detailed analysis of division-level conventional combat to determine the wounded-to-killed ratios dependent on outcome and posture. This will be a comparative analysis based upon the coded outcomes of the engagements in the database and whether the force is conducting an offensive, defensive or other type of mission. The goal is to determine if wounded-to-kill ratios vary in these conditions (which they certainly do) and to determine to what extent they do and what are those values.
    3. Lethality of IEDs: Develop a set of values for the lethality of modern IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices), booby traps, mines, claymores, truck bombs, suicide bombers, and other such devices. The lethality figures will have to be developed from a systematic review of a variety of combat and medical reports. Ideally, this data can be assembled from the experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, but research will also examine various operations in the Middle East, Northern Ireland, Vietnam and other post-WWII insurgencies. This would also include a review of the Wound Data and Munitions Effectiveness Team (WDMET) data from the Vietnam War and the ongoing Joint Theater Trauma Registry (JTTR).
  2. Combat Modeling Proposal of three tasks:
    1. Lethality Rates: A brief exploration of existing sources to determine what the lethality rates are for various weapons. This effort will tap existing open sources and is an extension of the work outlined in Chapter 15, “Casualties” in the book War by Numbers.
    2. How Models Measure Casualties: Conduct a review of around a half-dozen active U.S. Army and DOD conventional combat models and determine how they measure casualties and how they determine wounded versus killed (and missing). This review will probably include meetings with the modelers, in additional to conducting an analysis for the differences between their various approaches.
    3. Medical Deployment Options for Conventional Operations: Conduct a comparative simulation of medical care, evacuation and return-to-duties over an extended conventional warfare exercise. This would be an examination of the optimal medical support structure of the sake of sustaining combat power over an extended conventional deployment.
      1. The three recommended scenarios are 1) Emergency deployment to the Baltic States, 2) intervention in collapsed state of North Korea, and 3) the validation scenario for Iraq in 2006. Other scenarios may be added time permitting, or as a possible future effort.

This was the last time I attempted to market DOD. It took some man-months of effort to assemble and submit these proposals along with all the required supporting documentation. There is a trade-off of whether my time is better spent looking for the next contract or writing my next book. I decided after this experience to focus on writing my next books, which is why I now have two completed books going through editing and am about to contract for two more books. It is difficult for a small company to work for the DOD. The number of hoops and time consumed in marketing efforts are the same whether it is Lockheed Martin or TDI. Anyhow, if CCCRP would not approve such an effort, then I do not know who in DOD would. As it is, I gave up trying to further market it and prioritized my time to other projects.

The Russo-Ukrainian War of 2022 – Day 103 (ground actions)

Lots of back and forth over Sievierodonetsk this weekend. On 27 May a Russian group broke into the Myr Hotel. On 30 May they were reported to have entered the northeastern and southeastern parts of Sievierodonetsk. Two days later, they took 70% of the city and took another 10% over the next two days.  Ukraine reported that “Part of the Ukrainian troops” have now “retreated to more advantageous, pre-prepared positions” while other troops continue “fighting inside the city.” This looks like a planned and phased withdrawal. Then on Saturday (June 4) Ukraine took back 20% of the city and now controls around half of the city. They also took the eastern suburb of Metolkine. This is kind of an unusual back-and-forth. While some are painting it as a significant victory, it does appear the Russian advance in the city was due to a Ukrainian withdrawal. Those advance forces may have only been recon elements and forwards detachments. Ukraine’s retaking of parts of the city may have been done against a limited force.

Regardless, this fight is still significant politically, as this is one of the four cities that Russia needs to take to claim all of Donetsk and Lugansk. It appears that they are not going to take it yet. Furthermore, they were in a position to surround both Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk and had effectively enveloped them from three sides. The Ukrainians are fighting around Sievierodoentsk and Lysychansk with their head in a noose. But those surrounding efforts had not made any progress for days. It appears that the Russian attacks have simply stalled out. Can they renew them? If not, then it appears the Russian offensive phase of this war has completely stalled out. This next week will be telling. It is claimed that the army has been ordered to take or encircle Sievierodonetsk by 10 June. 

Fighting is still going on in around seven locales along the front. There is still fighting going on to north and northeast of Kharkov, and Ukraine made some advances there a couple of days ago (retook the village Vesele). In Lugansk/Donetsk area Russia threatens operations towards Barvenkove, from Lyman towards Slovyansk, and around Poposna in addition to Sievierodonetsk. A few days ago Russia took Komyshuvakha, to the north of Popasna. No villages in these areas have changes hands over the weekend. Around Kherson, Ukraine is conducting two offensives, one towards Kherson and one to the NE of Kherson looking to drive behind it. They don’t seem to be gaining much ground and these attacks may be to distract and tie down Russian forces. It may not be a Ukrainian major offensive. Again, no villages changed hands over the weekend. Right now, the only place the front lines are moving is in Sievierodonetsk.

I will put any changes/updates since my last post in italics. A link to a blow up of the map is here: Wikipedia map

The map below from 20 May is borrowed from Dr. Michael Mackay @mhmck. The area threatened with encirclement contain the cities of Sievierdonetsk and Lysychansk and surrounding areas which had a population in excess of 350,000. One can see the expansion around Popasna.

The Russians have made some progress on their larger objective of taking all of the Lugansk/Donetsk provinces. Not sure how much more they can do. The objectives are clearly Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk. Sloviansk and Kramatorsk appear to be secure. The four main cities in this area are Sievierodonetsk (pop. 101,135), Lysychansk (pop. 95,031), Sloviansk (pop. 106,972) and Kramatorsk (pop. 150,084). It appears that the war has been reduced to 1) a fight over Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk and 2) maybe a fight over Kherson. We shall see if any other major operations develop.

We have been looking at six major areas of operations. Only two appear to be active right now. Russia now occupies four cities, Mariupol (pop. 431,859), Berdyansk (pop. 107,928), Melitopol (pop. 150,768) and Kherson (pop. 283,649). 

1. Kiev – secure

2. Odessa – secure

3. Kharkov – secure

4. The Donetsk and Lugansk provinces
5. Mariupol – operations completed
6. Crimean border/Kherson

It appears that Kiev, Chernigov, Sumy and the northeast part of Ukraine are secure. Of course, Russia can always reintroduce troops later from Russia or Belarus. They are supposed to have around 20 BTGs in Russia. A Ukranian border guard was killed on 16 May near Sumy.

The U.S. DOD is reporting that the Russian forces in Ukraine are being reinforced, with the count of BTGs going up from 92 to 105 (now 106). It this preparation for a big push in a week or two?

Here is what I have heard/seen from open sources:

1. Kiev (pop: 2,962,180): It appears that Kiev is secure. It did get hit with missile attacks on Sunday.

2. Odessa (pop: 1,015,826): Appears to be secure.

3. Kharkov (pop: 1,433,886): Kharkov looks to be securely held but is still being hit by both missiles and artillery. The areas held here have not changed much since 17 May (see maps below).

Map showing front lines near Kharkov on 27 April and 17 May (cribbed from @War_Mapper), with the 17 May map showing the taking of Dementiivka.

The Russians do appear to have been pushing to the southwest towards Barvinkove (pop. 8,110), vice the south or southeast. So it is either a broader encirclement of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, or the rumored drive on Dnipro (which I really don’t believe they are going to try). Still, no villages have been reported taken in this area for the last week or so. A video from Sky News from Barvinkove (3:58): Ukraine War: Ukrainian soldiers stand firm in Barvinkove. Trench warfare (2:14)?

Russia did take the village of Lyman (pop. 20,469) on 27 May (although they claimed they took it on 25 May). On 23 May, the mayor there said the town was down to 7,000-8,000 residents. Another map cribbed from @War_Mapper dated 9 May. Since then the Russians have taken Lyman and most of the areas north of the Severskii Donets River.

As can be seen from this map, this brings all the area on the northern side of the Seversky Donets River under Russian control.The Russians also took Yarova (pop. 2,079 in 2011) on 1 June, to the NW of Lyman. The Ukrainians still have the river between them and Slovyansk.

4. The Donetsk and Lugansk provincesThe Russians currently hold around half of Sievierdonetsk. The Ukrainians control the eastern suburb of Metolkine. The city is surrounded on three sides. This also puts Lysychansk in danger. According to Ukraine only 15,000 civilians remained in Sievierodonetsk and only 20,000 reman in Lysychansk.

To the south, the village of Zolote in still held by Ukraine, even though some reports claimed Russia took it on 23 May. The Ukrainian government is still reporting on 2 June that houses were destroyed in Zolote from shelling, which indicates that Ukraine holds it. The Ukrainians retook Toshkivka on 29 May but lost at least part of it the following day. Ukraine is still reporting on houses lost of Toshkivka also, so I assume they still hold part of it. Both of these locales are just south of Sievierodonetsk and this is helping secure the city from envelopment from the south.

The danger of surrounding Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk is coming from the Russian operations around Popasna (pop. 19,672), which has been in Russian hands since 7 May. They are threatening Bakhmut (pop. 72,310) and Soledar (pop.10,692). The Russian forces have advanced to within 10 miles (16 kilometers) of Bakhmut. The Russians have taken Komyshuvakha (pop. 2,058) to the north of Popasna. 

The map below is from 4 June by @War_Mapper.

Further south Avdiyivka (31,940) is still in Ukranian hands but is being shelled. Ukraine claimed on 27 April that Avdiyivka was hit twice by phosphorus munitions. They are reported pushing towards Kamyanka and Novoselivka, to its north.

Slovyansk (pop. 106,972) and Kramatorsk (pop. 150,084) appear safe for now. Still, it is claimed there are only about 22,000 people left in Slovyansk. Kramatorsk had its rail station hit on 9 April with over 50 civilians killed.

To the southwest of this fight, the Ukrainians have retaken Maryinka (pop. 9,256) on 19 April, which had been taken by the DPR on 17 March. 

The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) is reporting as of 26 May that they had 1,986 soldiers killed and 8,199 wounded (4.13-to-1 wounded-to-killed ratio) out of a supposed strength of 20,000. This is 51% casualties out of an estimated force of 20,000, which is pretty serious. They have been surprisingly diligent about regularly reporting their casualty figures. One wonders if some Russian losses or contractors are being included in these figures. Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) is reported as of 5 April to have had 500-600 killed out of an estimated force of 14,000. This is 21% casualties, assuming a 4-to-1 killed ratio. Don’t know how many of DPR and LPR forces are Russians from Russia as opposed to locals.

Zelensky in an interview on CNN on 17 April said they had 44,000 professional military men in the Donbas.

5. Mariupol (pop: 431,859): The siege lasted seventy-seven days. As of 17 May, Mariupol is under control of Russia although they declared on 20 May that they had “completely liberated” the steel works. It apparently took a couple of days for everyone to surrender, including the final 531 Ukranian troops. The Alamo held out for 13 days. The Germans surrounded in Stalingrad held out for 72 days. The Russian defense minister said 1,908 at that same time, and they have now upped their claimed prisoners to 2,439 (note that 1908 + 531 = 2,439). This is more prisoners that some of the previous Russian claims of defender strength. So far, none have been exchanged. Denys Prokopenkop, the senior commander in the Azovstal steel mill, is being held in Russian controlled territory and was able to have brief conversation with his wife. 

The population of the city is down to 100,000 or less. I assume the civilians are not planning to return. The mayor, who is no longer in the city, claimed that more than 10,000 people have been killed. The head of DPR (Donets People’s Republic) has said over 5,000 people have been killed. The city has been decimated, lots of buildings and houses destroyed. Mariupol has no power, gas or water. 

There is a mass grave being reported outside of Mariupol near the town of Manhush. It looks like around 200 graves have been dug. Another mass grave is also being reported on 23 April. So far, they appear to be graves for hundreds of people, vice thousands. A third mass grave has been reported. There has been no new reports on this for a while.

6. Crimea & Kherson (pop: 283,649): Kherson is under Russian control. Are the Ukrainians going to make a push to take back Kherson? The Ukrainians are conducting offensive operations around Kherson, but not major territory has exchanged hands. The more interesting operation is the one to the NE of Kherson, where Ukraine has driven down a road that goes behind the city. towards the Dnipro River. This advance towards Kostromka threatens to cut off the Russian forces to the NE of there. This could result is a significant gain of ground by Ukraine. It also could start the process of isolating Kherson. We shall see if this advance continues. It does not seem to have gained much ground in the last week and Russia still holds Kostromka.


Weather: Kharkov at 3 PM: 75 degrees (24 Celsius) and mostly cloudy. Low tonight 55 degrees (13 Celsius). No rain is forecasted for the next ten days. Looks like weather is clear for operations. 

Ukrainian Army Build-up: 

The big news is what is occurring off the battlefield, where U.S. and other international aid is now providing more than $90 billion in aid to Ukraine. Over the long run this will change the military balance between Ukraine and Russia, unless Russia fully mobilizes for war. They seem hesitant to do this. The U.S. has just added another 0.7 billion in military aid to this total. Germany is slowly getting around to providing more weapons.

Not sure how large the army now is (assume over 200,000). There is a Ukrainian Territorial Defense Force of 100,000 to 200,000. Wikipedia was reporting 209,000 in their armed forces and 102,000 paramilitary. They are now reporting their armed forces at 196,600. President Zelensky said on 21 May that 700,000 soldiers are defending Ukraine. Most of those are militia. The Ukrainian army is around 200,000 and I gather is going to grow to 300,000. It does take a while to build up an army. The upper limited of mobilization is around 5% of the population (there have been cases where it has been higher). So Ukraine with a population of 40 million can build up an army of 2 million, especially if it continues to receive significant outside help. The Russia commentor Col. Kodaryonok stated in his outburst on Russian TV a couple of days ago that “But the situation from the overall strategic position is that the Ukrainian armed forces are able to arm a million people. They’re saying it themselves, that for us, there’s no difficulty in mobilizing a million people. The whole issue is to what extent they’re able to supply this army of modern weapons and military hardware… so a million armed Ukrainian soldiers needs to be viewed as a reality of the very near future.” I would also add that they need to be trained, which takes a while.

The Azov Regiment that was holding in Mariupol was actually a militia unit. That is the case with some of the foreign volunteer battalions also. There are some foreign volunteer units that have been there a while, including two Chechen battalions and a Georgian unit. I have yet to any statistics as to how many other foreign volunteers have been deployed, just individual stories.

There also the independent Belarussian Kastus Kalinouski Battalion, which as of 5 March is reported to have 200 members. They were serving in Irpin (near Kiev). It is reported that they have had thousands of volunteers. The deputy commander of the battalion (age 31) was killed on action on 13 March and another member was lost on 24 March in Irpin. On 16 May it was reported that a company commander had been killed. They state that a total of six Belarussians had died in this battalion since February. This, of course, threatens to bring the war into Belarus at some point.

Outside support for Ukraine is considerable and reported in a separate blog post: Outside Support for Ukraine | Mystics & Statistics ( Not sure I am going to update this. Additional material is being sent, including Harpoon anti-ship missiles from Denmark.

The U.S. is now admitting that it helped target Russian generals. See: American intel used to kill Russian generals in Ukraine: US officials. This is something we had assumed for a while. See:  How Much is U.S. Intelligence helping Ukraine? | Mystics & Statistics ( and How Much is U.S. intelligence helping Ukraine? – part 2 | Mystics & Statistics ( And then yesterday they admitted that U.S. intel helped with tracking the sunk Russian cruiser Moskva, some we also assumed: Official: US gave intel before Ukraine sank Russian warship. Apparently, they did not provide specific targeting information. A group of Russian officers were hit 17 May in the Russian occupied city of Melitopol. Ukraine claims it was done by “partisans.” They are also reporting attacking an armored train. If true, this opens a whole new dimension to this war, although other reports indicate that this was a “special operation” as opposed to partisans. Major General Kanamat Botashev was reported killed while flying an Su-25. This has been confirmed. Two more generals reported killed this weekend, General Roman Kutuzov and Roman Berdnikov. Kutuzov has been confirmed.

So far twelve named generals have been reported killed in this war. Five deaths have been confirmed and three are still alive.

Russian Army Build-up:  I have yet to see many reports of Russia expanding its army or calling up more reserves and conscripts. Their biannual call-up starts on 1 April, and Putin just signed a decree ordering up 134,500 new conscripts into the army. See the comments in the Day 35 for a discussion on the significance of this. We are now in the tenth week of the war. Are they going to expand their army as Ukraine is clearly expanding theirs, or are they expecting that this war will end shortly? It looks like the Russian Army is adding a couple of thousand volunteers. The U.S. DOD told reporters on 8 April that the Russia could be looking to recruit as many as 60,000 soldiers to join the fight. Still have not seen any indications of major build-up, although they are rebuilding and refitting their units.

Opposing forces: Ukraine had before the war an army (ground forces) of 169,000 in 2016. The Russian army (not armed forces) was 280,000. The current Ukrainian army is now probably over 200,000. The Russian army (ground forces) in and around Ukraine is probably around 150,000 (up to 190,000). Donetsk PR is estimated at 20,000 and Lugansk at 14,000. Russia may be able to add more forces from their own resources, but not much more. If they want to add more, they are going to have to mobilize. Russia appears to be hesitant to do so. I suspect with full mobilization; we could be looking at a Ukrainian army larger than 300,000. People are now even talking about a Ukrainian armed force of 700,000 to 1,000,000. At some point, Russia will have to mobilize to continue this war. I do not think Russia can win this war without further mobilization. If fact, with the increased aid flowing into Ukraine, Russia may very well end up losing territory it currently holds without additional mobilization. The failure to mobilize is hard to explain from a military point of view. It is clearly a result of domestic political concerns.

Economics and the Home Fronts: The U.S. congress has approved a $40 billion aid bill for Ukraine. That along with previous aid from dozens of other countries ($20-$25 billion), new economic aid from the G-7 (now reported at $19.8 billion), the previous U.S. aid bill in March ($13 billion), and so forth, is pushing the amount of aid this year towards $100 billion (40.1 + 25 + 19.8 + 13 + 0.7 = 99). This is enough to match the entire Russian 2021 defense budget of 61.7 billion and keep the Ukrainian economy afloat. It means that Ukraine can stay in this war for an extended fight. It changes the strategic balance and strategic considerations.

The discussion of the economic situation and the home fronts has been updated in a separate rambling blog post: The Home Fronts during the Russo-Ukrainian War – update 2 | Mystics & Statistics (

Price of oil is up to 119.79 as of 8:28 AM and the ruble is at 62.00 to the dollar, which is the strongest I have seen it in a very long time (in 2-3 years).

Casualties: Ukraine admitted on 29 April that they have suffered “serious losses” in battles. Zelensky is now saying that between “50 to 100 Ukrainians could be killed”  each day in the Battle for Donbas. We take these claims at face value. They also claim that Russian losses are “colossal.” That claim has not been confirmed. Zelensky told CNN on 15 April that Ukrainian Army had lost between 2,500-3,000 troops since the fighting has begun and about 10,000 have been wounded (wounded-to-killed ratio of 4.00- or 3.33-to-1). According to NYT the U.S. intelligence estimates as of 19 April are between 5,500 to 11,000 Ukrainians killed and between 7,000 to 10,000 Russians killed.

Zelensky stated in an interview on 1 June that between 60 to 100 Ukrainian soldiers are lost on the battlefield each week, with an additional 500 wounded. This would make for a wounded-to-killed ratio of 5-to-1 or 8.33-to-1.

Ukraine is claiming as of 19 April that 20,800 Russian and DPR soldiers have been killed, Russians are claiming as of 16 April that 23,367 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed. Are both sets of figures similarly inflated? It does argue that losses on both sides are similar in size.

Prisoner swap of wounded Ukrainians trapped in Mariupol appeared to have been negotiated, but so far nothing has been reported. I gather that the 53 seriously wounded prisoners are being swapped. Don’t know about the rest of the people. On 2 June, Ukraine and Russia exchanged 160 bodies of killed soldiers.

The UN is reporting as of 2 June at least 4,183 civilians confirmed dead in the war. Of those 2,400 of the deaths are in the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk with 147 killed in territory controlled by Russian separatists. Ukraine is reporting that as of 25 April, 3,818 civilians were killed in Ukraine. This is not that far from the UN figure. One wonders if the claimed Mariupol casualties are included in these figures. The rate of accrual of reported civilian casualties has gone down. 

It is clear that more than 13,000 people have died in this conflict (1,351 (Russian Army) + at least 2,000 more (Russian Army) + 3,000 (Ukrainian Army) + 4,183 (Civilians) + 1,986 (DPR) + 600 (LPR) = 13,120). It is probably in excess of 20,000 total deaths depending on Ukrainian and Russian military deaths and the real count of civilian losses. The number of deaths of Mariupol are unverified and unknown and could add thousands to these totals.

Ukraine is claiming to have killed 31,250 Russian soldiers, while Russia is claiming to have killed 38,257 Ukrainian soldiers (as calculated by @HelloMrBond). I have questioned the Ukrainian claims: The Ukrainian casualty claims are inflated – part 1 | Mystics & Statistics ( Needless to say, I also doubt the Russian claims.

A more detailed discussion is provided here: Losses during the Russo-Ukrainian War of 2022 | Mystics & Statistics (

Air Power: The Pentagon on 12 March is reporting that Russia is flying about 200 sorties a day. The Ukrainian air force has 56 operational jets flying 5 to 10 hours a day. March 22 it was reported by the U.S. that Russia flew more than 300 sorties into Ukraine. March 24 it was reported that more than 250 Russian sorties were flown, mostly around Kiev and Kharkov. On 12 May, the U.S. was claiming that the Russians flew 300 sorties over Ukraine in the last 24 hours. On 14 May they were claiming 250 Russian sorties. It has been pretty consistent reporting of 250-300 sorties a day for quite some time now.

Missile Defense: According to Zelenskyy the missile barrage near Lvov on 12 March consisted of 30 missiles, 8 missiles that landed and 22 missiles that were intercepted and shot down. On the morning of 16 April in the Lvov region, Ukraine claimed it downed four cruise missiles fired by Su-35s operating from Belarus. Zelensky claimed on 26 April that Russians have fired more than 1,100 missiles at Ukraine. The U.S. DOD claimed on 29 April that more than 1,950 missiles have been fired at Ukraine since the start of the war and they are currently firing about 50 a day.

End of the War: It does look like Russia intends to take and hold onto all of Donetsk and Lugansk provinces, and possibly all of Kherson province and four-fifths of Zaporizhzhia province. The capital Zaporizhzhia (pop. 722,713) may not be on their list of areas to take. So, four out of Ukraine’s 24 provinces and Crimea.

Populations of partly or completely occupied areas (2019 estimates):

Donetsk: 4,165,901

Lugansk: 2,151,833

Crimea: 2,033,700 (2001 census)

Zaporizhzhia: 1,705,836

Kherson: 1,037,640

Sevastopol: 509,992 (2021 estimate)


Population of Ukraine (excluding Crimea), 2022 estimate: 41,167,336

What they are willing to later negotiate away to achieve peace or a ceasefire is unknown. What Ukraine is willing to negotiate away is also unknown, although they are now saying the war will continue until all areas are freed. Does that include the LPR, DPR and Crimea? When they are ready to return to talks is unknown. This looks like an extended war and I don’t think will be over before the end of summer. At this point, unless Russia mobilizes, it will slowly turn to Ukraine’s advantage.

Atrocities:  Reports from Ukraine have put the body count of civilians found in the towns and villages surround Kiev at 1,222. Not sure if this has been independently confirmed, but I assume the UN counting efforts have now picked up most of these civilian deaths. Ukraine has identified ten Russian soldiers wanted for “pre-mediated murder” in Bucha. They are all enlisted from the 64th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade. These are the first charges unveiled of over 8,000 criminal investigations. The U.S. is claiming it has “credible information” of Russians killing Ukrainians in the vicinity of Donetsk who were trying to surrender.

There are also various accusations against the Russian Army Chechen unit operating around Bucha: Brutal Sect of Putin’s Army Accused of Murdering Their Own Comrades.

More claims of atrocities coming out with videos of Russian troops shooting two civilians outside of Kiev in March. Ukraine has sentenced a 21-year old POW to life in prison for shooting a civilian who was talking on his phone. Ukraine is now charging 48 more Russian soldiers (currently POWs) and investigating around 13,000 alleged offenses. The Ukrainian officials have a list of about 6000 suspects. Two POWs pleaded guilty on 26 May of firing Grad rockets from Russia’s Belgorod region towards Kharkov on 24 Feb.

Meanwhile, the head of the DPR is saying that the fighters who surrendered at the Azovstal steel mill are to be put on trail. Somehow, this response does not surprise me.

There is also a video out there of Ukrainian soldiers shooting several Russian prisoners in their legs. There is a second video showing Ukrainian troops executing what appears to be four Russian prisoners seven miles SW of Bucha. See: More detailed description from BBC: It is on Youtube, if you want to look it up. I believe they are members of the Georgian Legion, a group of Georgian volunteers fighting for Ukraine.

There are also some retribution killings going on: Ukrainian Chief Intelligence Directorate: another traitor of Ukraine found shot.

Other Issues: Azerbaijani troops have occupied an area in Nagorno-Karabakh that they are claiming is theirs. The Russian peacekeeping troops there have not expelled them. Widespread protests in Armenia this weekend over Nagorno-Karabakh followed by 180 detentions. There were more protests this Sunday and another 237 protesters were detained. On 10 May another 61 protesters were detained.

NATO has confirmed 18 May that both Finland and Sweden have officially applied to join NATO. NATO has said it will welcome them with open armsThe process of accepting them is expected to take about two weeks and they could be members within a few months. It does require unanimous consent of all 30 members for them to join NATO. Turkey is withholding consent until there is some resolution concerning some weapons embargoes against Turkey and the presence in Sweden of Kurdish refugees wanted by Turkey. It does add an 810-mile (1300 km) border with Russia, but NATO already abuts Russian and Belarussian territory in the Baltic states. 

Ukraine was supposed to be on the fast track to join the European Union (EU), which was the issue that started all the turmoil in 2013. But EU member Austria has objected, and now France is saying that it may take years. All EU members must unanimously agree for a country’s membership negotiations to begin. This is the issue that fueled all the conflict over the last nine years, for the Euromaidan revolt occurred when Ukrainian President Yanukovich decided to join Putin’s Eurasian Union vice the EU. The subsequent conflicts included the whole three-month Euromaidan revolt in the dead of winter of 2013-2014 that led to over 100 Ukrainians being killed, many protesters shot in the street by President Yanokovich’s security forces; the seizure of Crimea; the creation of LPR and DPR; the subsequent war; and now this war. Ukraine certainly has paid a much higher cost to join the EU than anyone else ever has. Current polling (Reuters April 5) shows that 91% of the Ukrainians support joining the EU. 

A Ukrainian court on 23 May order the arrest of former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich. He is accused of treason over the agreement he signed in 2010 (The Kharkiv Pact) to extend Russian leave on naval facilities in Crimea. In 2014 Russian forces in Sevastopol seized all of Crimea and Victor Yanukovich left Ukraine for Russia and was in Moscow by 25 February 2014. He has remained in Russia ever since. He had already received a 13-year jail sentence over a letter he sent to Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2014 asking for Russia to use Russian army and police forces to restore order in Ukraine. 

The Map: The attached map is from Wikipedia. It is dated 6 June. It does show some updates on 2 June. It is still showing Zolote in Russian hands, which appears to be incorrect.

Wounded-to-killed ratios in Ukraine in 2022

I made a post on Friday that unsurprisingly got some pushback on twitter. It is here: The Ukrainian casualty claims are inflated – part 1 | Mystics & Statistics (

One of the twitter complaints is that I used a wounded-to-killed ratio of 4-to-1 for my challenge of the Ukrainian kill claims. This was based upon the only set of aggregate wounded-to-killed statistics offered in the conflict, the reports from the Donets Peoples Republic (DPR) who are reporting as of 26 May that they had 1,912 soldiers killed and 7,919 wounded (a 4.14-to-1 wounded-to-killed ratio). 

This also generated another twitter criticism because I was using DPR data. Yet, this last week Zelensky has stated that they are losing between 60 – 100 Ukrainian soldiers a week. An additional 500 are wounded. This is at least 5-to-1 wounded to killed ratio (or 8.33-to-1). 

Apparently, some other people have been using a 3-to-1 wounded to killed ratio (not that this lower figure changes my argument one iota). What is the basis for people using 3-to-1? WWII data? Lack of artillery?

It almost certainly is a traditional figure drawn from Trevor Dupuy or WWII data or convention. Now, wounded-to-kill figures vary by 1) definition, 2) posture, 3) medical care, 4) how Died-of-Wounds (DOW) are counted, 5) mix of wounding agents, 6) number MIA or captured, 7) use of body armor and 8) the nature of the targets (airplanes or tanks compared to infantry). This is discussed in depth in Chapter 15 of my book War by Numbers.

Let my post a table from my book:


                                                                        U.S. Army      UK Army       Army[1]

Ardennes from 16 – 23 December                  4.85-to-1         1.67-to-1         3.25-to-1

Ardennes from 24 December – 1 January      5.65-to-1         2.89-to-1         3.08-to-1

Ardennes from 2 – 16 January                        5.12-to-1         4.59-to-1         2.99-to-1


                                                                        German Army[2]          Soviet Army[3]

Kursk from 4 – 11 July                                   5.11-to-1                     2.29-to-1

Kursk from 12 – 18 July                                 4.54-to-1                     2.68-to-1

See my book for the footnotes.

So, 3-to-1 or greater for WWII data. The Soviet Army at Kursk, when on the defensive and having divisions being overrun with large numbers of MIA and captured had lower than 3-to-1. But, when the Soviet missing was less than 10% of the casualties, the wounded to killed ratio rose to 3-to-1. This is discussed in more depth in my book along with supporting data. Anyhow, 3-to-1 is kind of the minimal figure to be used for most ground combat in WWII and as you can see from the table above, it is sometimes higher. 

The wounded-to-killed ratios since WWII have been higher. In some cases much higher (like 13-to-1 for the U.S. Marine Corps in Afghanistan). All this is discussed in depth in my book. 

From a practical point of view, I do not know what the wounded-to-killed ratio will be for the fighting in Ukraine. I expect it to be more than 3-to-1. This is the old WWII figure and medical care has improved since then and many people are now wearing body armor. Body armor certainly increases survivability from blast and fragmentation wounding, which is the majority of wounding on most battlefields.

Therefore, the DPR wounded-to-killed figures of 4-to-1 looked reasonable to me. They may be low, depending on how they are counting wounded (not all lightly wounded are counted as wounded). Zelensky’s off-the-cuff figure of 5-to-1 (or higher) also seems reasonable. 

On other hand, for those using a 3-to-1 figure, then I have to ask what is their basis for using this figure (WWII data or tradition?) and what is their basis for not revising it to reflect better medical treatment improvements over the last 75 years and the rather extensive use of body armor now?

Now, as this war continues, I expect the wounded-to-killed ratio to actually increase. This is because both sides are making more use of artillery and more of the engagements are using dismounted infantry. This changes the mix of causative agents and targets in a manner that should result in more people wounded per person killed (or to express it another way, less mortality per casualty). 



P.S. Final note: in the fall of 2020 I was hoping to obtain contracts based upon two proposals submitted to CCCRP (Combat Casualty Care Research Program) to further examine wounded-to-killed ratios and the analysis of combat casualties, including a combat casualty modeling effort. This effort died because some reviewers did not feel a strong need to further examine this subject. I still feel this subject needs to be fully explored. Tempted to do a further blog post on this. To date, my book is the most complete discussion on the subject that I am aware of.