Dead Japanese soldiers lie on the sandbar at the mouth of Alligator Creek on Guadalcanal on 21 August 1942 after being killed by U.S. Marines during the Battle of the Tenaru. [Wikipedia][The article below is reprinted from April 1997 edition of The International TNDM Newsletter.]
The Second Test of the TNDM Battalion-Level Validations: Predicting Casualties by Christopher A. Lawrence
In the ease of the WWII results, we were getting results in the ball park in less than 60% of the cases for the attacker and in less than 50% of the eases in the case of the defenders. We were often significantly too low. Knowing that we were dealing with a number of Japanese engagements (seven), and they clearly fought in a manner that was different from most western European nations, we expected that they would be under-predicting, and some casualty adjustment would be necessary to reflect this.
We also examined whether time was an issue (it was not). The under-predicted battles are listed in the next table
We temporarily defined the Japanese mode of fighting as “fanaticism.” We decided to find a factor for fanaticism by looking at all the battles with the Japanese. They are listed below:
Looking at what multiplier was needed, one notes that .39 times 2.5 = .975 while .34 times 2.5 = .85. This argues for a “fanatic” multiplier of 2.5. The non-fanatic opponent attrition multiplier is also 2.5. There was no indication that both sides should not be affected by the same multiplier.
We had now tentatively identified two “fixes” to the data. l am sure someone will call them “fudges,“ but I am comfortable enough with the logic behind them (especially the fanaticism) that I would dismiss such criticism. It was now time to look at the modern data, and see what would happen if these fixes were applied to it.
A total of 20 battles were noticeably under-predicted. We examined them to see if there was a pattern in this under-prediction.
The Second Test of the TNDM Battalion-Level Validations: Predicting Casualties by Christopher A. Lawrence
Before this validation was even begun, I knew we were going to have a problem with the fact that most of the engagements were well below 24 hours in length. This problem was discussed in depth in “Time and the TNDM,” in Volume l, Number 3 of this newsletter. The TNDM considers the casualties for an engagement of less than 24 hours to be reduced in direct proportion to that time. I postulated that the relationship was geometric and came up with a formulation that used the square root of that fraction (i.e. instead of 12 hours being .5 times casualties. it was now .75 times casualties). Being wedded to this idea, l tested this formulation in all ways and for several days, I really wasn’t getting a better fit. All I really did was multiply all the points so that the predicted average was closer. The top-level statistics were:
TF=Time Factor
I also looked out how the losses matched up by one of three periods (WWI, WWII. and post-WWII). When we used the time factor multiplier for the attackers, the WWI engagements average became too high, and the standard deviation increase, same with WWII, while the post-WWII averages were still too low, but the standard deviations got better. For the defender, we got pretty much the same pattern, except now the WWII battles were under-predicting, but the standard deviation was about the same. It was quite clear that all I had with this time factor was noise.
Like any good chef, my failed experiment went right down the disposal. This formulation died a natural death. But looking by period where the model was doing well, and where it wasn’t doing well is pretty telling. The results were:
Looking at the basic results. I could see that the model was doing just fine in predicting WWI battles, although its standard deviation for the defenders was still poor. It wasn’t doing very well with WWII, and performed quite poorly with modem engagements. This was the exact opposite effect to our test on predicting winners and losers, where the model did best with the post-WWII battles and worst with the WWI battles. Recall that we implemented an attrition multiplier of 4 for the WWI battles. So it was now time to look at each battle, and figure out where were we really off. In this case. I looked at casualty figures that were off by a significant order of magnitude. The reason l looked at significant orders of magnitude instead of percent error, is that making a mistake like predicting 2% instead of 1% is not a very big error, whereas predicting 20%, and having the actual casualties 10%, is pretty significant. Both would be off by 100%.
In the case of the attackers, we were getting a result in the ball park in two-thirds of the cases, and only two cases—N Wood 1 and Chaudun—were really off. Unfortunately, for the defenders we were getting a reasonable result in only 40% of the cases, and the model had a tendency to under-or over-predict.
It is clear that the model understands attacker losses better than defender losses. I suspect this is related to the model having no breakpoint methodology. Also, defender losses may be more variable. I was unable to find a satisfactory explanation for the variation. One thing I did notice was that all four battles that were significantly under-predicted on the defender sides were the four shortest WWI battles. Three of these were also noticeably under-predicted for the attacker. Therefore. I looked at all 23 WWI engagements related to time.
Looking back at the issue of time, it became clear the model was clearly under-predicting in battles of less than four hours. I therefore came up with the following time scaling formula:
If time of battle less than four hours, then multiply attrition by (4/(Length of battle in hours)).
What this formula does is make all battles less than four hours equal to a four-hour engagement. This intuitively looks wrong, but one must consider how we define a battle. A “battle” is defined by the analyst after the fact. The start time is usually determined by when the attack starts (or when the artillery bombardment starts) and end time by when the attack has clearly failed, or the mission has been accomplished, or the fighting has died down. Therefore, a battle is not defined by time, but by resolution.
As such, any battle that only lasts a short time will still have a resolution, and as a result of achieving that resolution there will be considerable combat experience. Therefore, a minimum casualty multiplier of 1/6 must be applied to account for that resolution. We shall see if this is really the case when we run the second validation using the new battles, which have a considerable number of brief engagements. For now, this seems to fit.
As for all the other missed predictions, including the over-predictions, l could not find a magic formula that connected them. My suspicion was that the multiplier of x4 would be a little too robust, but even after adjusting for the time equation, this left 14 of the attacker‘s losses under-predicted and six of the defender actions under-predicted. If the model is doing anything, it is under-predicting attacker casualties and over-predicting defender casualties. This would argue for a different multiplier for the attacker than for the defender (higher one for the attacker). We had six cases where the attacker‘s and defenders predictions were both low, nine where they were both high, and eight cases where the attackers prediction was low while the defender’s prediction was high. We had no cases where the attacker’s prediction was high and the defender’s prediction was low. As all these examples were from the western front in 1918, U.S. versus Germans, then the problem could also be that the model is under-predicting the effects of fortifications, or the terrain for the defense. It could also be indicative of a fundamental difference in the period that gave the attackers higher casualty rates than the defenders. This is an issue I would like to explore in more depth, and l may do so after l have more WWI data from the second validation.
The Second Test of the TNDM Battalion-Level Validations: Predicting Casualties by Christopher A. Lawrence
Actually, l was pretty pleased with the first test of the TNDM, predicting winners and losers. I wasn’t too pleased with how it did with WWI, but was quite pleased with its prediction of post-WWII combat. But l knew from our previous analysis that we were going to have some problems with the casualty prediction estimates for WWI, for any battles that the Japanese were involved with, and for shorter engagements.
For period 1900-1945. Russian and Japanese rates are double those calculated.
For period 1914-1941, rates as calculated must be doubled; for Russian, Turkish, and Balkan forces they must be quadrupled.
For 1950-1953 rate as calculated will apply for UN forces (other than ROK): for ROK. North Koreans, and Chinese rates are doubled.
The attrition calculation for the TNDM is different from that used in the QJM. Actually the attrition calculations for the later versions of the QJM differ from the earlier versions. The base casualty rates that are used in the original QJM are very different from those used in the TNDM. See my articles in the TNDM Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 3. Basically the QJM starts with a based factor of 2.8% for attackers versus 4% for the TNDM, while its base factor for defenders is 1.5% versus 6% for the TNDM.
When Dave Bongard did the first TNDM runs for this validation effort, he automatically added in an attrition multiplier of 4 for all the WWI battles. This undocumented methodology was implemented by Mr. Bongard instinctively because he knew from experience that you need to multiply the attrition rates by 4 for WWI battles. I decided to let it stand and see how it measured up during the validation.
We then made our two model runs for each validation, first without the CEV, and a second run with the CEV incorporated. I believe the CEV results from this methodology are explained in the previous article on winners and losers.
At the top of the next column is a comparison of the attacker losses versus the losses predicted by the model (graphs 1 and 2). This is in two scales, so you can see the details of the data.
The diagonal line across these graphs and across the next seven graphs is the “perfect prediction” line, with any point on that line being perfectly predicted. The closer a point is to that line, the better the prediction. Points to the left of that line is where the model over-predicted casualties, while the points to the right is where the model under-predicted. We also ran the model using the CEV as predicted by the model. This “revised prediction” is shown in the next graph (see graphs 3 and 4). We also have done the same comparison of total casualties for the defender (see graphs 5 through 8).
The model is clearly showing a tendency to under-predict. This is shown in the next set of graphs, where we divided the predicted casualties by the actual casualties. Values less than one are under-predictions. That means everything below the horizontal line shown on the graph (graph 9) is under-predicted. The same tests were done the “revised prediction“ (meaning with CEV) for the attacker and the both predictions for the defender (graphs 10-12).
I then attempted to do some work using the total casualty figures, followed by a series of meaningless tests of the data based upon force size. Force sizes range widely, and the size of forces committed to battle has a significant impact on the total losses. Therefore, to get anything useful, l really needed to look at percent of losses, not gross losses. These are displayed in the next 6 graphs (graphs 13-18).
Comparing our two outputs (model prediction without CEV incorporated and model prediction with CEV incorporated) to the 76 historical engagements gives the following disappointing results:
The standard deviation was measured by taking each predicted result, subtracting from it the actual result squaring it, summing all 76 cases, dividing by 76, and taking the square root. (see sidebar A Little Basic Statistics below.)
First and foremost, the model was under-predicting by a factor of almost two. Furthermore it was running high standard deviations. This last result did not surprise me considering the nature of the battalion-level combat.
The addition of the CEVs did not significantly change the casualties. This is because in the attrition equations, the conditions of the battlefield play an important part in determining casualties. People in the past have claimed that the CEVs were some type of fudge factor. If that is the case, then it is a damned lousy fudge factor. If the TNDM is getting a good prediction on casualties, it is not because of a CEV “fudge factor.”
SIDEBAR: A Little Basic Statistics
The mean is 5.75 for the attacker and 17.93 for the defender, the standard deviation is 10.73 for the attacker and 27.49 for the defender. The number of examples is 76, the degree of freedom is 75. Therefore the confidence intervals are:
With the actual average being 9.50, we are clearly predicting too low.
With the actual average being 26.59, we are again clearly predicting too low.
The First Test of the TNDM Battalion-Level Validations: Predicting the Winners by Christopher A. Lawrence
Modern (8 cases):
Tu-Vu—On the first run, the model predicted a defender win. Historically, the attackers (Viet Minh) won with a 2.8 km advance. When the CEV for the Viet Minh was put in (1.2), the defender still won. The real problem in this case is the horrendous casualties taken by both sides, with the defending Moroccans losing 250 out of 420 people and the attacker losing 1,200 out of 7,000 people. The model predicted only 140 and 208 respectively. This appears to address a fundamental weakness in the model, which is that if one side is willing to attack (or defend) at all costs, the model cannot predict the extreme losses. This happens in some battles with non-first world armies, with the Japanese in WWII, and apparently sometimes with the WWI predictions. In effect, the model needs some mechanism to predict fanaticism that would increase the intensity and casualties of the battle for both sides. In this case, the increased casualties certainly would have resulted in an attacker advance after over half of the defenders were casualties.
Mapu—On the first run the model predicted an attacker (Indonesian) win. Historically, the defender (British) won. When the British are given a hefty CEV of 2.6 (as one would expect that they would have), the defender wins, although the casualties are way off for the attacker. This appears to be a case in which the side that would be expected to have the higher CEV needed that CEV input into the combat run.
Bir Gifgafa II (Night)—On the first run the model predicted a defender (Egyptian) win. Historically the attacker (Israel) won with an advance of three kilometers. When the Israelis are given a hefty CEV of 3.5 (as historically they have tended to have), they win, although their casualties and distance advanced are way off. These errors are probably due to the short duration (one hour) of the model run. This appears to be a case where the side that would be expected to have the higher CEV needed that CEV input into the combat run in order to replicate historical results.
Goose Green—On the first run the model predicted a draw. Historically, the attacker (British) won. The first run also included the “cheat” of counting the Milans as regular weapons versus anti-tank. When the British are given a hefty CEV of 2.4 (as one could reasonably expect that they would have) they win, although their advance rate is too slow. Casualty prediction is quite good. This appears to be a case where the side that would be expected to have the higher CEV needed that CEV input into the combat run.
Two Sisters (Night)—On the first run the model predicted a draw. Historically the attacker (British) won yet again. When the British are given a CEV of 1.7 (as one would expect that they would have) the attacker wins, although the advance rate is too slow and the casualties a little low. This appears to be a case where the side that would be expected to have the higher CEV needed that CEV input into the combat run.
Mt. Longdon (Night)—0n the first run the model predicted a defender win. Historically, the attacker (British) won as usual. When the British are given a CEV of 2.3 (as one would expect that they should have) the attacker wins, although as usual the advance rate is too slow and the casualties a little low. This appears to be a case where the side that would be expected to have the higher CEV needed that CEV input into the combat run.
Tumbledown—On the first run the model predicted a defender win. Historically the attacker (British) won as usual. When the British were given a CEV of 1.9 (as one would expect that they should have), the attacker wins, although as usual, the advance rate is too slow and the casualties a little low. This appears to be a case where the side that would be expected to have the higher CEV needed that CEV input into the combat run.
Cuatir River—On the first run the model predicted a draw. Historically, the attacker (The Republic of South Africa) won. When the South African forces were given a CEV of 2.3 (as one would expect that they should have) the attacker wins, with advance rates and casualties being reasonably close. This appears to be a case where the side that would be expected to have the higher CEV needed that CEV input into the combat run.
A painting by a Marine officer present during the Guadalcanal campaign depicts Marines defending Hill 123 during the Battle of Edson’s Ridge, 12-14 September 1942. [Wikipedia]
The First Test of the TNDM Battalion-Level Validations: Predicting the Winners by Christopher A. Lawrence
World War ll (8 cases):
Overall, we got a much better prediction rate with WWII combat. We had eight cases where there was a problem. They are:
Makin Raid—On the first run, the model predicted a defender win. Historically, the attackers (US Marines) won with a 2.5 km advance. When the Marine CEV was put in (a hefty 2.4), this produced a reasonable prediction, although the advance rate was too slow. This appears to be a case where the side that would be expected to have the higher CEV needed that CEV input into the combat run in order to replicate historical results.
Edson’s Ridge (Night)—On the first run, the model predicted a defender win. Historically, the battle must be considered at best a draw, or more probably a defender win, as the mission accomplishment score of the attacker is 3 while the defender is 5.5. The attacker did advance 2 kilometers, but suffered heavy casualties. The second run was done with a US CEV of 1.5. This maintained a defender win and even balanced more in favor of the Marines. This is clearly a problem in defining who is the winner.
Lausdell X-Road: (Night)—On the first run, the model predicted an attacker victory with an advance rate of 0.4 kilometer. Historically, the German attackers advanced 0.75 kilometer, but had a mission accomplishment score of 4 versus the defender’s mission accomplishment score of 6. A second run was done with a US CEV of 1.1, but this did not significantly change the result. This is clearly a problem in defining who is the winner.
VER-9CX—On the first run, the attacker is reported as the winner. Historically this is the case, with the attacker advancing 1.2 kilometers although suffering higher losses than the defender. On the second run, however, the model predicted that the engagement was a draw. The model assigned the defenders (German) a CEV of 1.3 relative to the attackers in attempt to better reflect the casualty exchange. The model is clearly having a problem with this engagement due to the low defender casualties.
VER-2ASX—On the first run, the defender was reported as the winner. Historically, the attacker won. On the second run, the battle was recorded as a draw with the attacker (British) CEV being 1.3. This high CEV for the British is not entirely explainable, although they did fire a massive suppressive bombardment. In this case the model appears to be assigning a CEV bonus to the wrong side in an attempt to adjust a problem run. The model is still clearly having a problem with this engagement due to the low defender casualties.
VER-XHLX—On the first run, the model predicted that the defender won. Historically, the attacker won. On the second run, the battle was recorded as an attacker win with the attacker (British) CEV being 1.3. This high CEV is not entirely explainable. There is no clear explanation for these results.
VER-RDMX—On the first run, the model predicted that the attacker won. Historically, this is correct. On the second run, the battle recorded that the defender won. This indicates an attempt by the model to get the casualties correct. The model is clearly having a problem with this engagement due to the low defender casualties.
VER-CHX—On the first run, the model predicted that the defender won. Historically, the attacker won. On the second run, the battle was recorded as an attacker win with the attacker (Canadian) CEV being 1.3. Again, this high CEV is not entirely explainable. The model appears to be assigning a CEV bonus to the wrong side in an attempt to adjust a problem run. The model is still clearly having a problem with this engagement due to the low defender casualties.
Advancing Germans halted by 2nd Battalion, Fifth Marine, June 3 1918. Les Mares form 2 1/2 miles west of Belleau Wood attacked the American lines through the wheat fields. From a painting by Harvey Dunn. [U.S. Navy]
The First Test of the TNDM Battalion-Level Validations: Predicting the Winners by Christopher A. Lawrence
World War I (12 cases):
Yvonne-Odette (Night)—On the first prediction, selected the defender as a winner, with the attacker making no advance. The force ratio was 0.5 to 1. The historical results also show e attacker making no advance, but rate the attacker’s mission accomplishment score as 6 while the defender is rated 4. Therefore, this battle was scored as a draw.
On the second run, the Germans (Sturmgruppe Grethe) were assigned a CEV of 1.9 relative to the US 9th Infantry Regiment. This produced a draw with no advance.
This appears to be a result that was corrected by assigning the CEV to the side that would be expected to have that advantage. There is also a problem in defining who is winner.
Hill 142—On the first prediction the defending Germans won, whereas in the real world the attacking Marines won. The Marines are recorded as having a higher CEV in a number of battles, so when this correction is put in the Marines win with a CEV of 1.5. This appears to be a case where the side that would be expected to have the higher CEV needed that CEV input into the combat rim to replicate historical results.
Note that while many people would expect the Germans to have the higher CEV, at this juncture in WWI the German regular army was becoming demoralized, while the US Army was highly motivated, trained and fresh. While l did not initially expect to see a superior CEV for the US Marines, when l did see it l was not surprised. I also was not surprised to note that the US Army had a lower CEV than the Marine Corps or that the German Sturmgruppe Grethe had a higher CEV than the US side. As shown in the charts below, the US Marines’ CEV is usually higher than the German CEV for the engagements of Belleau Wood, although this result is not very consistent in value. But this higher value does track with Marine Corps legend. l personally do not have sufficient expertise on WWI to confirm or deny the validity of the legend.
West Wood I—0n the first prediction the model rated the battle a draw with minimal advance (0.265 km) for the attacker, whereas historically the attackers were stopped cold with a bloody repulse. The second run predicted a very high CEV of 2.3 for the Germans, who stopped the attackers with a bloody repulse. The results are not easily explainable.
Bouresches I (Night)—On the first prediction the model recorded an attacker victory with an advance of 0.5 kilometer. Historically, the battle was a draw with an attacker advance of one kilometer. The attacker’s mission accomplishment score was 5, while the defender’s was 6. Historically, this battle could also have been considered an attacker victory. A second run with an increased German CEV to 1.5 records it as a draw with no advance. This appears to be a problem in defining who is the winner.
West Wood II—On the first run, the model predicted a draw with an advance of 0.3 kilometers. Historically, the attackers won and advanced 1.6 kilometers. A second run with a US CEV of 1.4 produced a clear attacker victory. This appears to be a case where the side that would be expected to have the higher CEV needed that CEV input into the combat run.
North Woods I—On the first prediction, the model records the defender winning, while historically the attacker won. A second run with a US CEV of 1.5 produced a clear attacker victory. This appears to be a case where the side that would be expected to have the higher CEV needed that CEV input into the combat run.
Chaudun—On the first prediction, the model predicted the defender winning when historically, the attacker clearly won. A second run with an outrageously high US CEV of 2.5 produced a clear attacker victory. The results are not easily explainable.
Medeah Farm—On the first prediction, the model recorded the defender as winning when historically the attacker won with high casualties. The battle consists of a small number of German defenders with lots of artillery defending against a large number of US attackers with little artillery. On the second run, even with a US CEV of 1.6, the German defender won. The model was unable to select a CEV that would get a correct final result yet reflect the correct casualties. The model is clearly having a problem with this engagement.
Exermont—On the first prediction, the model recorded the defender as winning when historically, the attacker did, with both the attackers and the defender’s mission accomplishment scores being rated at 5. The model did rate the defender‘s casualties too high, so when it calculated what the CEV should be, it gave the defender a higher CEV so that it could bring down the defenders losses relative to the attackers. Otherwise, this is a normal battle. The second prediction was no better. The model is clearly having a problem with this engagement due to the low defender casualties.
Mayache Ravine—The model predicted the winner (the attacker) correctly on the first run, with the attacker having an opposed advance of 0.8 kilometer. Historically, the attacker had an opposed rate of advance of 1.3 kilometers. Both sides had a mission accomplishment score of 5. The problem is that the model predicted higher defender casualties than the attacker, while in the actual battle the defender had lower casualties that the attacker. On the second run, therefore, the model put in a German CEV of 1.5, which resulted in a draw with the attacker advancing 0.3 kilometers. This brought the casualty estimates more in line, but turned a successful win/loss prediction into one that was “off by one.” The model is clearly having a problem with this engagement due to the low defender casualties.
La Neuville—The model also predicted the winner (the attacker) correctly here, with the attacker advancing 0.5 kilometer. In the historical battle they advanced 1.6 kilometers. But again, the model predicted lower attacker losses than the defender losses, while in the actual battle the defender losses were much lower than the attacker losses. So, again on the second run, the model gave the defender (the Germans) a CEV of 1.4, which turned an accurate win/loss prediction into an inaccurate one. It still didn’t do a very good job on the casualties. The model is clearly having a problem with this engagement due to the low defender casualties.
Hill 252—On the first run, the model predicts a draw with a distanced advanced of 0.2 km, while the real battle was an attacker victory with an advance of 2.9 kilometers. The model’s casualty predictions are quite good. On the second run, the model correctly predicted an attacker win with a US CEV of 1.5. The distance advanced increases to 0.6 kilometer, while the casualty prediction degrades noticeably. The model is having some problems with this engagement that are not really explainable, but the results are not far off the mark.
The First Test of the TNDM Battalion-Level Validations: Predicting the Winners by Christopher A. Lawrence
Part II
WWI (12 cases):
For the WWI battles, the nature of the prediction problems are summarized as:
CONCLUSION: In the case of the WWI runs, five of the problem engagements were due to confusion of defining a winner or a clear CEV existing for a side that should have been predictable. Seven out of the 23 runs have some problems, with three problems resolving themselves by assigning a CEV value to a side that may not have deserved it. One (Medeah Farm) was just off any way you look at it, and three suffered a problems because historically the defenders (Germans) suffered surprisingly low losses. Two had the battle outcome predicted correctly on the first run, and then had the outcome incorrectly predicted after a CEV was assigned.
With 5 to 7 clear failures (depending on how you count them), this leads one to conclude that the TNDM can be relied upon to predict the winner in a WWI battalion-level battle in about 70% of the cases.
WWII (8 cases):
For the WWII battles, the nature of the prediction problems are summarized as:
CONCLUSION: In the case of the WWII runs, three of the problem engagements were due to confusion of defining a winner or a clear CEV existing for a side that should have been predictable. Four out of the 23 runs suffered a problem because historically the defenders (Germans) suffered surprisingly low losses and one case just simply assigned a possible unjustifiable CEV. This led to the battle outcome being predicted correctly on the first run, then incorrectly predicted after CEV was assigned.
With 3 to 5 clear failures, one can conclude that the TNDM can be relied upon to predict the winner in a WWII battalion-level battle in about 80% of the cases.
Modern (8 cases):
For the post-WWll battles, the nature of the prediction problems are summarized as:
CONCLUSION: ln the case of the modem runs, only one result was a problem. In the other seven cases, when the force with superior training is given a reasonable CEV (usually around 2), then the correct outcome is achieved. With only one clear failure, one can conclude that the TNDM can be relied upon to predict the winner in a modern battalion-level battle in over 90% of the cases.
FINAL CONCLUSIONS: In this article, the predictive ability of the model was examined only for its ability to predict the winner/loser. We did not look at the accuracy of the casualty predictions or the accuracy of the rates of advance. That will be done in the next two articles. Nonetheless, we could not help but notice some trends.
First and foremost, while the model was expected to be a reasonably good predictor of WWII combat, it did even better for modem combat. It was noticeably weaker for WWI combat. In the case of the WWI data, all attrition figures were multiplied by 4 ahead of time because we knew that there would be a fit problem otherwise.
This would strongly imply that there were more significant changes to warfare between 1918 and 1939 than between 1939 and 1989.
Secondly, the model is a pretty good predictor of winner and loser in WWII and modern cases. Overall, the model predicted the winner in 68% of the cases on the first run and in 84% of the cases in the run incorporating CEV. While its predictive powers were not perfect, there were 13 cases where it just wasn’t getting a good result (17%). Over half of these were from WWI, only one from the modern period.
In some of these battles it was pretty obvious who was going to win. Therefore, the model needed to do a step better than 50% to be even considered. Historically, in 51 out of 76 cases (67%). the larger side in the battle was the winner. One could predict the winner/loser with a reasonable degree of success by just looking at that rule. But the percentage of the time the larger side won varied widely with the period. In WWI the larger side won 74% of the time. In WWII it was 87%. In the modern period it was a counter-intuitive 47% of the time, yet the model was best at selecting the winner in the modern period.
The model’s ability to predict WWI battles is still questionable. It obviously does a pretty good job with WWII battles and appears to be doing an excellent job in the modern period. We suspect that the difference in prediction rates between WWII and the modern period is caused by the selection of battles, not by any inherit ability of the model.
RECOMMENDED CHANGES: While it is too early to settle upon a model improvement program, just looking at the problems of winning and losing, and the ancillary data to that, leads me to three corrections:
Adjust for times of less than 24 hours. Create a formula so that battles of six hours in length are not 1/4 the casualties of a 24-hour battle, but something greater than that (possibly the square root of time). This adjustment should affect both casualties and advance rates.
Adjust advance rates for smaller unit: to account for the fact that smaller units move faster than larger units.
Adjust for fanaticism to account for those armies that continue to fight after most people would have accepted the result, driving up casualties for both sides.
The First Test of the TNDM Battalion-Level Validations: Predicting the Winners by Christopher A. Lawrence
Part I
In the basic concept of the TNDM battalion-level validation, we decided to collect data from battles from three periods: WWI, WWII, and post-WWII. We then made a TNDM run for each battle exactly as the battle was laid out, with both sides having the same CEV [Combat Effectiveness Value]. The results of that run indicated what the CEV should have been for the battle, and we then made a second run using that CEV. That was all we did. We wanted to make sure that there was no “tweaking” of the model for the validation, so we stuck rigidly to this procedure. We then evaluated each run for its fit in three areas:
Predicting the winner/loser
Predicting the casualties
Predicting the advance rate
We did end up changing two engagements around. We had a similar situation with one WWII engagement (Tenaru River) and one modern period engagement (Bir Gifgafa), where the defender received reinforcements part-way through the battle and counterattacked. In both cases we decided to run them as two separate battles (adding two more battles to our database), with the conditions from the first engagement being the starting strength, plus the reinforcements, for the second engagement. Based on our previous experience with running Goose Green, for all the Falklands Island battles we counted the Milans and Carl Gustavs as infantry weapons. That is the only “tweaking” we did that affected the battle outcome in the model. We also put in a casualty multiplier of 4 for WWI engagements, but that is discussed in the article on casualties.
This is the analysis of the first test, predicting the winner/loser. Basically, if the attacker won historically, we assigned it a value of 1, a draw was 0, and a defender win was -1. In the TNDM results summary, it has a column called “winner” which records either an attacker win, a draw, or a defender win. We compared these two results. If they were the same, this is a “correct” result. If they are “off by one,” this means the model predicted an attacker win or loss, where the actual result was a draw, or the model predicted a draw, where the actual result was a win or loss. If they are “off by two” then the model simply missed and predicted the wrong winner.
The results are (the envelope please….):
It is hard to determine a good predictability from a bad one. Obviously, the initial WWI prediction of 57% right is not very good, while the Modern second run result of 97% is quite good. What l would really like to do is compare these outputs to some other model (like TACWAR) to see if they get a closer fit. I have reason to believe that they will not do better.
Most cases in which the model was “off by 1″ were easily correctable by accounting for the different personnel capabilities of the army. Therefore, just to look where the model really failed. let‘s just look at where it simply got the wrong winner:
The TNDM is not designed or tested for WWI battles. It is basically designed to predict combat between 1939 and the present. The total percentages without the WWI data in it are:
Overall, based upon this data I would be willing to claim that the model can predict the correct winner 75% of the time without accounting for human factors and 90% of the time if it does.
CEVs: Quite simply a user of the TNDM must develop a CEV to get a good prediction. In this particular case, the CEVs were developed from the first run. This means that in the second run, the numbers have been juggled (by changing the CEV) to get a better result. This would make this effort meaningless if the CEVs were not fairly consistent over several engagements for one side versus its other side. Therefore, they are listed below in broad groupings so that the reader can determine if the CEVs appear to be basically valid or are simply being used as a “tweak.”
Now, let’s look where it went wrong. The following battles were not predicted correctly:
There are 19 night engagements in the data base, five from WWI, three from WWII, and 11 modern. We looked at whether the miss prediction was clustered among night engagements and that did not seem to be the case. Unable to find a pattern, we examined each engagement to see what the problem was. See the attachments at the end of this article for details.
We did obtain CEVs that showed some consistency. These are shown below. The Marines in World War l record the following CEVs in these WWI battles:
Compare those figures to the performance of the US Army:
In the above two and in all following cases, the italicized battles are the ones with which we had prediction problems.
For comparison purposes, the CEVs were recorded in the battles in World War II between the US and Japan:
For comparison purposes, the following CEVs were recorded in Operation Veritable:
These are the other engagements versus Germans for which CEVs were recorded:
For comparison purposes, the following CEVs were recorded in the post-WWII battles between Vietnamese forces and their opponents:
Note that the Americans have an average CEV advantage of 1 .6 over the NVA (only three cases) while having a 1.8 advantage over the VC (6 cases).
For comparison purposes, the following CEVs were recorded in the battles between the British and Argentine’s:
Numerical Adjustment of CEV Results: Averages and Means by Christopher A. Lawrence and David L. Bongard
As part of the battalion-level validation effort, we made two runs with the model for each test case—one without CEV [Combat Effectiveness Value] incorporated and one with the CEV incorporated. The printout of a TNDM [Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model] run has three CEV figures for each side: CEVt CEVl and CEVad. CEVt shows the CEV as calculated on the basis of battlefield results as a ratio of the performance of side a versus side b. It measures performance based upon three factors: mission accomplishment, advance, and casualty effectiveness. CEVt is calculated according to the following formula:
P′ = Refined Combat Power Ratio (sum of the modified OLls). The ′ in P′ indicates that this ratio has been “refined” (modified) by two behavioral values already: the factor for Surprise and the Set Piece Factor.
CEVd = 1/CEVa (the reciprocal)
In effect the formula is relative results multiplied by the modified combat power ratio. This is basically the formulation that was used for the QJM [Quantified Judgement Model].
In the TNDM Manual, there is an alternate CEV method based upon comparative effective lethality. This methodology has the advantage that the user doesn’t have to evaluate mission accomplishment on a ten point scale. The CEVI calculated according to the following formula:
In effect, CEVt is a measurement of the difference in results predicted by the model from actual historical results based upon assessment for three different factors (mission success, advance rates, and casualties), while CEVl is a measurement of the difference in predicted casualties from actual casualties. The CEVt and the CEVl of the defender is the reciprocal of the one for the attacker.
Now the problem comes in when one creates the CEVad, which is the average of the two CEVs above. l simply do not know why it was decided to create an alternate CEV calculation from the old QJM method, and then average the two, but this is what is currently being done in the model. This averaging results in a revised CEV for the attacker and for the defender that are not reciprocals of each other, unless the CEVt and the CEVl were the same. We even have some cases where both sides had a CEVad of greater than one. Also, by averaging the two, we have heavily weighted casualty effectiveness relative to mission effectiveness and mission accomplishment.
What was done in these cases (again based more on TDI tradition or habit, and not on any specific rule) was:
(1.) If CEVad are reciprocals, then use as is.
(2.) If one CEV is greater than one while the other is less than 1, then add the higher CEV to the value of the reciprocal of the lower CEV (1/x) and divide by two. This result is the CEV for the superior force, and its reciprocal is the CEV for the inferior force.
(3.) If both CEVs are above zero, then we divide the larger CEVad value by the smaller, and use its result as the superior force’s CEV.
In the case of (3.) above, this methodology usually results in a slightly higher CEV for the attacker side than if we used the average of the reciprocal (usually 0.1 or 0.2 higher). While the mathematical and logical consistency of the procedure bothered me, the logic for the different procedure in (3.) was that the model was clearly having a problem with predicting the engagement to start with, but that in most cases when this happened before (meaning before the validation), a higher CEV usually produced a better fit than a lower one. As this is what was done before. I accepted it as is, especially if one looks at the example of Mediah Farm. If one averages the reciprocal with the US’s CEV of 8.065, one would get a CEV of 4.13. By the methodology in (3.), one comes up with a more reasonable US CEV of 1.58.
The interesting aspect is that the TNDM rules manual explains how CEVt, CEVl and CEVad are calculated, but never is it explained which CEVad (attacker or defender) should be used. This is the first explanation of this process, and was based upon the “traditions” used at TDI. There is a strong argument to merge the two CEVs into one formulation. I am open to another methodology for calculating CEV. I am not satisfied with how CEV is calculated in the TNDM and intend to look into this further. Expect another article on this subject in the next issue.
Validation of the TNDM at Battalion Level by Christopher A. Lawrence
The original QJM (Quantified Judgement Model) was created and validated using primarily division-level engagements from WWII and the 1967 and 1973 Mid-East Wars. For a number of reasons, we are now using the TNDM (Tactical Numerical Deterministic Model) for analyzing lower-level engagements. We expect, with the changed environment in the world, this trend to continue.
The model, while designed to handle battalion-level engagements, was never validated for those size engagements. There were only 16 engagements in the original QJM Database with less than 5,000 people on one side, and only one with less than 2,000 people on a side. The sixteen smallest engagements are:
While it is not unusual in the operations research community to use unvalidated models of combat, it is a very poor practice. As TDI is starting to use this model for battalion-level engagements, it is time it was formally validated for that use. A model that is validated at one level of combat is not validated to represent sizes, types and forms of combat to which it has not been tested. TDI is undertaking a battalion-level validation effort for the TNDM. We intend to publish the material used and the results of the validation in the International TNDM Newsletter. As part of this battalion-level validation we will also be looking at a number of company-level engagements. Right now, my intention is to simply just throw all the engagements into the same hopper and see what comes out.
By battalion-level, I mean any operation consisting of the equivalent of two or less reinforced battalions on one side. Three or more battalions imply a regiment or brigade—level operation. A battalion in combat can range widely in strength, but that usually does not have an authorized strength in excess of 900. Therefore, the upper limit for a battalion—level engagement is 2,000 people, while its lower limit can easily go below 500 people. Only one engagement in the original OJM Database fits that definition of a battalion-level engagement. HERO, DMSI, TND & Associates, and TDI (all companies founded by Trevor N. Dupuy) examined a number of small engagements over the years. HERO assembled 23 WWI engagements for the Land Warfare Database (LWDB), TDI has done 15 WWII small unit actions for the Suppression contract and Dave Bongard has assembled four others from that period for the Pacific, DMSI did 14 battalion-level engagements from Vietnam for a study on low intensity conflict 10 years ago, and Dave Bongard has been independently looking into the Falkland Islands War and other post-WWII sources to locate 10 more engagements, and we have three engagements that Trevor N. Dupuy did for South Africa. We added two other World War II engagements and the three smallest engagements from the list to the left (those marked with an asterisk). This gives us a list of 74 additional engagements that can be used to test the TNDM.
The smallest of these engagements is 220 people on both sides (100 vs I20), while the largest engagement on this list is 5,336 versus 3,270 or 8,679 vs 725. These 74 engagements consist of 23 engagements from WWI, 22 from WWII, and 29 post-1945 engagements. There are three engagements where both sides have over 3,000 men and 3 more where both sides are above 2,000 men. In the other 68 engagements, at least one side is below 2,000, while in 50 of the engagements, both sides are below 2,000.
This leaves the following force sizes to be tested:
These engagements have been “randomly” selected in the sense that the researchers grabbed whatever had been done and whatever else was conveniently available. It is not a proper random selection, in the sense that every war in this century was analyzed and a representative number of engagements was taken from each conflict. This is not practical, so we settle for less than perfect data selection.
Furthermore, as many of these conflicts are with countries that do not have open archives (and in many cases limited unit records) some of the opposing forces strength and losses had to be estimated. This is especially true with the Viet Nam engagements. It is hoped that the errors in estimation deviate equally on both sides of the norm, but there is no way of knowing that until countries like the People’s Republic of China and Vietnam open up their archives for free independent research.
TDI intends to continue to look for battalion-level and smaller engagements for analysis, and may add to this data base over time. If some of our readers have any other data assembled, we would be interested in seeing it. In the next issue we will publish the preliminary results of our validation.
Note that in the above table, for World War II, German, Japanese, and Axis forces are listed in italics, while US, British, and Allied forces are listed in regular typeface, Also, in the VERITABLE engagements, the 5/7th Gordons’ action continues the assault of the 7th Black Watch, and that the 9th Cameronians assumed the attack begun by the 2d Gordon Highlanders.
Tu-Vu is described in some detail in Fall’s Street Without Joy (pp. 51-53). The remaining Indochina/SE Asia engagements listed here are drawn from a QJM-based analysis of low-intensity operations (HERO Report 124, Feb 1988).
The coding for source and validation status, on the extreme right of each engagement line in the D Cas column, is as follows:
n indicates an engagement which has not been employed for validation, but for which good data exists for both sides (35 total).
Q indicates an engagement which was part of the original QJM database (3 total).
Q+ indicates an engagement which was analyzed as part of the QJM low-intensity combat study in 1988 (14 total).
T indicates an engagement analyzed with the TNDM (20 total).