Category ISIL

The Iraqi Army Has Entered the Old City

The offensive is continuing and they have entered the old city: Iraq-forces-seize-ground-mosul-old-city

The estimate is that there are about 2,000 ISIL fighters left behind in Mosul (along with 700,000 civilians): in-mosul-a-heavy-but-not-crushing-blow-to-is-group

In Fallujah in 2004, they left behind about a 1,000 fighters. The November 2004 Fallujah operation did turn into a slow mop-up that cost the U.S. Army and U.S. Marines 65 KIA, 582 WIA, 1 NBD (non-battle death) and 54 NBI (non-battle injury).

Right now, I am editing Chapter 16 of my book War by Numbers. That chapter is called “Urban Legends” and covers the findings from the three reports we did on urban warfare in 2002-2004. So, if I have not been posting much lately on the blog, there is a good reason for it. Trying to keep the book on its scheduled August release date.

Oh…and we just inserted a Marine Battery into Syria

OK, we have just set up a fire base in Syria: Marines-arrive-syria-artillery-support

An artillery battery from the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit has been deploying to Syria. Obviously a Marine battery and “support elements” will number “more than several hundred” as the article states. Added to the Army Rangers in Manbij and the 503 U.S. troops that were authorized, and we may already have over a thousand troops in Syria.

Fighting in Mosul

The fighting continues in Mosul as the Iraqi coalition slowly advances: iraqi-forces-see-off-counter-attack-mosul

On Tuesday they recaptured the provincial government headquarters, the central bank branch and a museum. The museum was completely empty of all artifacts according to an Iraqi Major General.

The general also noted that most of the fighters that fought around the governorate building were local. He stated that an order was issued for foreign fighters to withdraw.

Makes you wonder if we are nearing the end of this campaign.

Blog post update (around 11 AM EST this morning): leader-baghdadi-abandons-mosul-fight


Mustard Gas

ISIL appears to be using Mustard Gas filled mortar rounds: Iraqi-families-devastated-by-chemical-attacks-in-mosul

Early in the Syrian Civil War, the government of Syria used chemical weapons on its own population. I am one of these people who felt the U.S. and international community should have intervened in the first year of the war in response to Asad’s use of chemical weapons. We chose not to…..

Iraqi Casualties in Mosul

I don’t think Iraqi casualties in the Mosul operations have been published. This article has a report that the fight to take the eastern half of Mosul cost Iraqi forces 500 dead, with another 3,000 wounded in three months of fighting (6-to-1 wounded to killed ratio). On Saturday, Iraq had four soldiers killed and 53 wounded in the fight for western Mosul: U.S. Forces Push Artillery, Rockets and Helicopters Closer to the Fight in Mosul

The source of the estimate was General Joseph Votel, head of the U.S. Central Command. Suspect they have more precise figures. Not sure if the figures include Kurdish forces or Iraqi Shiite militia. Also see: iraqi-army-ahead-of-schedule-in-fight-for-west-mosul

Mosul Airport is Retaken

Well, they had the airport in sight two days ago. At least half of it is now in Iraqi government forces hands:

Best quote from the article: “It’s not caution, they’ve learned, they’re smarter now.”


By the way, someone is offering flights to Mosul for $1,178:

I would advise against booking this.




Slowly retaking Western Mosul

But, it is going faster than some World War I fights: iraqi-military-says-troops-consolidate-gains-south-mosul

A few highlights:

  1. Have taken 50 square miles south of the city in the last two days.
  2. Have the airport in sight.
  3. Not the same level of violence as the fight for eastern Mosul, so far.
    1. Four car bombs attacked on Monday
    2. Eight troops killed and dozens wounded the past two days
      1. Compared to over 90 casualties in one day in east Mosul