The Military Conflict Institute shut down early 2020. An associate of mine has been trying to chase down all of their work.
There are these three reports:
The Three TMCI Reports | Mystics & Statistics (
There was this brief 20-page paper written by the late Roger Mickelson: /tardir/tiffs/a396349.tiff (
One notes that Roger Mickelson titled this report “War on Terrorists” vice the “War on Terrorism.”
The fifth report or book is not known to me. Is it “The Classics of Military Thought: Appreciations and Agenda.” published in 1985 by John E. Tashjean under the name of the Military Conflict Institute. John Tashjean had written a number of articles on Clausewitz from 1979-1992.
The classics of military thought : apreciations and agenda (Book, 1985) []
There is a copy at University of Oxford, only some 3,600 miles from here. Apparently no one else on this planet has a copy. Could any of our UK readers by so kind as to scare up a hard or electronic copy of this?
P.S.: TMCI is officially closing this year | Mystics & Statistics (