This extended series of posts about validation of combat models was originally started by Shawn Woodford’s post on future modeling efforts and the “Base of Sand” problem.
This post apparently irked some people at TRADOC and they wrote an article in the December issue of the Phalanx referencing his post and criticizing it. This resulted in the following seven responses from me:
This was probably overkill…..but guys who write 1,662 page books sometimes tend to be a little wordy.
While it is very important to identify a problem, it is also helpful to show the way forward. Therefore, I decided to discuss what data bases were available for validation. After all, I would like to see the modeling and simulation efforts to move forward (and right now, they seem to be moving backward). This led to the following nine posts:
There were also a few other validation issues that had come to mind while I was writing these blog posts, so this led to the following series of three posts:
Finally, there were a few other related posts that were scattered through this rather extended diatribe. It includes the following six posts:
That kind of ends this discussion on validation. It kept me busy for while. Not sure if you were entertained or informed by it. It is time for me to move onto another subject, not that I have figured out yet what that will be.
Nice summation! It was a useful topic. Looking forward to the next topic.