While browsing Amazon.com I discovered that Trevor Dupuy’s Genius for War is back in print. It has a new cover.
It was republished last year by a company called Endeavour Media, Ltd. Trevor Dupuy’s works still belong to the family and are managed by one of his sons. The book does have 32 reviews on Amazon.com, a lot of them fairly recent (27 from 2011 and later).
Also see:
They have the following books by Trevor Dupuy for sale:
A Genius of War
The Battle of Austerlitz
Brave Men and Great Captains
Elusive Victory: The Arab-Israeli Wars, 1947-1974
Flawed Victory: How Lebanon became a cauldron of war and hate (co-authored by Paul Martell)
Future Wars: The World’s Most Dangerous Flashpoints
Hitler’s Last Gamble: The Battle of the Bulge
Military Heritage of America
The Compact History of the Revolutionary War
Understanding Defeat: How to Recover from Loss in Battle and Gain Victory in War
World War II: A Combat History (by R. Ernest Dupuy)
We also have a number of Trevor Dupuy’s books for sale. See http://www.dupuyinstitute.org/booksfs.htm
The books are: